Foreign Patients with Korean Alien
Registration Card with
Korean National Healthcare Insurance.

(Long Term Foreign Residents in Korea)

Outpatient Service

Foreigners with a Korean Alien Registration Card must bring the Korean Alien Registration Card. Patients without at referral note from any physician not associated with SNUBH is advised to see a doctor from the Family Medicine department at SNUBH, in order to receive proper coverage by Korean National Healthcare Insurance before he/she can meet a specialist at SNUBH for the initial assessment. Under Korean medical law, patients are advised to bring a referral from a doctor at a local clinic. This is to insure that the patient can be referred to by an appropriate specialist with the most relevant expertise to his/her condition.

Inpatient Service

  • Admission Information

    The admission process at SNUBH is initiated through an admission order, which must be undertaken by a SNUBH physician. Prior to admission, the following documents must be submitted to the Administration Department (Admission Office) located on the 2nd floor of the Hospital's Main Building.
    • Doctor's order for admission
    • Admission Consent Form
    • Hospital ID Card
    • Foreigners without the Korean National Healthcare insurance are required to deposit sufficient funds before admission. (Usually half of the estimated cost).
    • Please tell us about your choice of inpatient room type - private, semi-private, VIP room.
    • On the day of admission, it is advisable that the patient bring the following items:
      • - Plastic water cup and water bottle
      • - Plastic slippers (for the Bathroom)
      • - Shower Kit consisting of a toothbrush and toothpaste, disposable tissues, bath towels and other sundries for personal grooming
        ☞ Please note that all of these products may be purchased at the convenience store located on B1.
    On your ward, you will be given information about your ward facilities, such as the location of the emergency alarm, the water purifier on the floor, how to use your bed and the directions to the nurse station.
  • Admission Guide
    PDF Download
  • Discharge Procedures of International Patients

    Discharge of patients requires the discharge order of the physician in charge and the nurse in charge will give details of follow-up instructions and prescriptions, etc. For foreign patients, it is strongly advised that they obtain a copy of their medical records at discharge. If you need a receipt in English, please tell the staff at the cashier's desk.