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분당 서울대병원 이비인후과에서는 기존의 수술법 (와우개창술) 외에 최신 수술기법 (정원창 접근법을 포함한 soft surgery 기법)과 와우기기 (잔청 보존에 적합한 전극)를 이용하여 인공와우 수술을 진행하고 있습니다. 인공와우 대상자의 범위가 확대되면서 잔청의 보존이 더욱 강조되고 있으며 수술 기법과 와우기기의 역시 이에 맞추어 발전되고 있습니다. 기존의 전극보다 훨씬 가늘고 부드러워 잔청을 보존하는데 효과적인 Nucleus사의 CI422나 MED-EL사의 FLEXsoft 등의 전극을 사용하며, 수술 기법 역시 잔청을 최대한 보존하기 위한 soft surgery 기법으로 시술하고 있습니다.
한편 고주파 쪽은 심도 난청이지만 저주파 쪽 잔청이 상당히 많이 남아 있는 경우, 혼합형 인공와우 (Electrical & Acoustic Stimulation (EAS)) 를 시술하여 전기(인공와우) 및 음향(보청기) 자극 모두의 조합으로 시술 받은 환자분들은 고주파쪽의 전기자극과 저주파쪽의 선천적인 잔존청력을 모두 이용하는 청각경험을 할 수 있습니다.
보청기로 소리를 증폭하여 전달하는 고전적인 방식과 달리, 중이 구조물을 직접 자극하여 소리를 듣게 해주는 장치이며, 수술로 중이 구조물에 부착하는 내부 진동장치와 수술 후 귀 바퀴 뒷 쪽에 붙이는 외부장치로 구성되어 있습니다.
임플란트(VORP) 는 수술을 통해 머리에 삽입하고 외부 장치를 부탁할 수 있는 자석을 가지고 있으며 음향에너지를 진동에너지로 변환하는 Floating Mass Transducer ( FMT ) 로 구성이 되어 있습니다.
음향 처리기는 머리에 부착 및 착용할 수 있습니다. 이 음향 처리기는 소리를 송신기의 마이크로 받아서 증폭한 후 신호를 전달해 주는 장치 입니다. 동전크기로 네가지 색상중에서 선택 가능하고 눈에 잘 띄지 않으며 착용감이 가벼워 편안하게 착용할 수 있습니다.
외이도를 통하지 않고 직접 중이를 자극하기 때문에 또렷한 말소리와 선명한 음질로 들을 수 있습니다. 특히 보청기 착용시 발생하는 소리의 하울링 ( 삐~) 현상이 전혀 없고 자신의 목소리가 울리는 증상, 변형된 소리, 동굴에서 말하는 느낌, 막힌 느낌 등의 불편함이 없습니다. 또한 일상적인 상황에서 자동적으로 소음을 감소 시킴으로 말소리를 정확하게 전달하여 다양한 소음 상황에서 가족, 친구, 동료가 하는 얘기를 명확하게 들을 수 있습니다. 그리고 기존의 귀 뒤에 걸거나 외이도에 꽂는 일반 보청기와는 달리 외부에는 측두부에 동전 크기의 어음처리기만이 노출되며 머리카락으로 가려지는 부위이기 때문에 외부에서 거의 보이지 않는 미용상 장점이 있습니다.
분당서울대병원 난청 클리닉에서는 특히 우리나라에서 매우 흔하게 발견되는 전정수도관 확장증 (Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct (EVA)) (전체 prelingual hearing loss 의 약 20%)에 대한 폭넓은 연구**를 바탕으로 분자유전진단에서부터 보청기를 통한 재활, 그리고 와우이식에 이르기까지 최신의 진료를 제공합니다. 전정수도관 확장증의 경우 우리나라 사람에서는 SLC26A4의 돌연변이가 90%의 경우에서 난청의 원인을 제공합니다. 전정수도관 확장증과 같은 내이 기형이 없는 선천성 난청 환자들의 경우 약 20%의 경우에 GJB2라는 유전자에 돌연변이를 가지고 있게 됩니다.
Heonjeong Oh, Yehree Kim, Seung Jae Lee, Marge Carandang, Jae-Jin Song, Byung Yoon Choi
Two Discrete Types of Tip Fold-Over in Cochlear Implantation Using Slim Modiolar Electrodes: Influence of Cochlear Duct Length on Tip Fold-Over.
Otol Neurotol
2023 ;44 (10) :1011 -1014
Jae-Hyuk Shim, Woongsang Sunwoo, Byung Yoon Choi, Kwang Gi Kim, Young Jae Kim
Improving the Accuracy of Otitis Media with Effusion Diagnosis in Pediatric Patients Using Deep Learning.
Bioengineering (Basel)
2023 ;10 (11)
Jiang Li, Byung Yoon Choi, Yasmin Eltawil, Noura Ismail Mohamad, Yesai Park, Ian R Matthews, Jin Hee Han, Bong Jik Kim, Elliott H Sherr, Dylan K Chan
TMTC4 is a hair cell-specific human deafness gene.
JCI Insight
2023 ;8 (24)
Sang-Yeon Lee, Min Young Kim, Jin Hee Han, Sang Soo Park, Yejin Yun, Seung-Cheol Jee, Jae Joon Han, Jun Ho Lee, Heeyoung Seok, Byung Yoon Choi
Ramifications of POU4F3 variants associated with autosomal dominant hearing loss in various molecular aspects.
Sci Rep
2023 ;13 (1) :12584 -12584
Somin Lee, Yejin Yun, Ju Hyuen Cha, Jin Hee Han, Dae Hee Lee, Jae-Jin Song, Moo Kyun Park, Jun Ho Lee, Seung Ha Oh, Byung Yoon Choi, Sang-Yeon Lee
Phenotypic and molecular basis of SIX1 variants linked to non-syndromic deafness and atypical branchio-otic syndrome in South Korea.
Sci Rep
2023 ;13 (1) :11776 -11776
Yehree Kim, Jae Joon Han, Jayoung Oh, Jin Hee Han, Min Young Kim, Jinsei Jung, Jae Young Choi, Byung Yoon Choi
Audiogram Configuration, Molecular Etiology, and Outcome of Cochlear Implantation in Postlingual Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder.
Otol Neurotol
2023 ;44 (7) :e471 -e478
Sang-Yeon Lee, Heong Won Jeon, So-Yeon Ahn, Seung-Ha Oh, Bong Jik Kim, Byung Yoon Choi
Significance of cytomegalovirus tests after three weeks of life in children with hearing loss.
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol
2023 ;168 :111555 -111555
Hiroshi Nakanishi, Takayuki Okano, Taku Ito, Byung Yoon Choi, Michael Hoa
Editorial: Autoinflammation of the inner ear.
Front Neurol
2022 ;13 :1071382 -1071382
Yehree Kim, Byung Yoon Choi
Precision Medicine Approach to Cochlear Implantation.
Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol
2022 ;15 (4) :299 -309
In Hee Choi, Go Hun Seo, JeongYun Park, Yoon-Myung Kim, Chong Kun Cheon, Yoo-Mi Kim, Arum Oh, Jung Hye Byeon, Eungu Kang, Young-Lim Shin, Ji Eun Lee, Su Jin Kim, Hee Joon Yu, Woo Jin Kim, Byung Yoon Choi, Bong Jik Kim, Young Ho Kim, Gi Jung Im, Hyo-Jeong Lee, Hyun Ji Kim, Se-Hee Han, Beom Hee Lee, Baik-Lin Eun
Evaluation of users' level of satisfaction for an artificial intelligence-based diagnostic program in pediatric rare genetic diseases.
Medicine (Baltimore)
2022 ;101 (28) :e29424 -e29424
Douglas Backous, Byung Yoon Choi, Rafael Jaramillo, Kelvin Kong, Thomas Lenarz, Jaydip Ray, Alok Thakar, Myrthe K S Hol
Hearing Rehabilitation of Patients with Chronic Otitis Media: A Discussion of Current State of Knowledge and Research Priorities.
J Int Adv Otol
2022 ;18 (4) :365 -370
Pei-Ciao Tang, Marie V Roche, Se Young Um, Nicholas C Gosstola, Min Young Kim, Byung Yoon Choi, Derek M Dykxhoorn, Xue Zhong Liu
Characterization of an induced pluripotent stem cell line (UMi040-A) bearing an auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder-associated variant in TMEM43.
Stem Cell Res
2022 ;61 :102758 -102758
Bong Jik Kim, Takushi Miyoshi, Taimur Chaudhry, Thomas B Friedman, Byung Yoon Choi, Takehiko Ueyama
Late-onset hearing loss case associated with a heterozygous truncating variant of DIAPH1.
Clin Genet
2022 ;101 (4) :466 -471
Bong Jik Kim, Byung Yoon Choi
How to Maximize the Outcomes of Cochlear Implantation in Common Cavity and Cochlear Aplasia With Dilated Vestibule, the Most Severe Inner Ear Anomalies?
Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol
2022 ;15 (1) :3 -4
Dong Woo Nam, Sang Soo Park, So Min Lee, Myung-Whan Suh, Moo Kyun Park, Jae-Jin Song, Byung Yoon Choi, Jun Ho Lee, Seung Ha Oh, Kyung Chul Moon, Yo Han Ahn, Hee Gyung Kang, Hae Il Cheong, Ji Hyun Kim, Sang-Yeon Lee
Effects of CoQ10 Replacement Therapy on the Audiological Characteristics of Pediatric Patients with COQ6 Variants.
Biomed Res Int
2022 ;2022 :5250254 -5250254
Jae Hui Ryu, Hwa Young Kim, Jung Min Ko, Man Jin Kim, Moon-Woo Seong, Byung Yoon Choi, Jong Hee Chae
Clinical and molecular delineation of mandibulofacial dysostosis with microcephaly in six Korean patients: When to consider EFTUD2 analysis?
Eur J Med Genet
2022 ;65 (5) :104478 -104478
Seung Jae Lee, Sang-Yeon Lee, Byung Yoon Choi, Ja-Won Koo, Sung Hwa Hong, Jae-Jin Song
Preoperative Significance of Ipsilateral Manual Neck Compression in Patients With Pulsatile Tinnitus Secondary to Sigmoid Sinus Dehiscences and Diverticula.
Front Neurol
2022 ;13 :869244 -869244
Seung Cheol Han, Young Seok Kim, Yehree Kim, Sang-Yeon Lee, Jae-Jin Song, Byung Yoon Choi, Ji-Soo Kim, Yun Jung Bae, Ja-Won Koo
Correlation of clinical parameters with endolymphatic hydrops on MRI in Meniere's disease.
Front Neurol
2022 ;13 :937703 -937703
Bong Jik Kim, Hyoungwon Jeon, Sang-Yeon Lee, Nayoung Yi, Jin Hee Han, Go Hun Seo, Seung-Ha Oh, Byung Yoon Choi
Major Contribution of GREB1L Alterations to Severe Inner Ear Malformation Largely in a Non-mendelian Fashion.
Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol
2022 ;15 (1) :115 -118
Sang-Yeon Lee, Hyungwon Jeon, Yoonjoong Kim, Hyeong Yun Choi, Marge Carandang, Hyo Soon Yoo, Byung Yoon Choi
Natural course of residual hearing preservation with a slim, modiolar cochlear implant electrode array.
Am J Otolaryngol
2022 ;43 (2) :103382 -103382
Yehree Kim, Jin Hee Han, Hyo Soon Yoo, Byung Yoon Choi
Molecular aetiology of ski-slope hearing loss and audiological course of cochlear implantees.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
2022 ;279 (10) :4871 -4882
Dominika Ozi?bło, Sang-Yeon Lee, Marcin Ludwik Leja, Anna Sarosiak, Natalia Bałdyga, Henryk Skar?y?ski, Yehree Kim, Jin Hee Han, Hyo Soon Yoo, Min Hyun Park, Byung Yoon Choi, Monika Ołdak
Update on CD164 and LMX1A genes to strengthen their causative role in autosomal dominant hearing loss.
Hum Genet
2022 ;141 (3-4) :445 -453
Young Seok Kim, Yehree Kim, Seung Jae Lee, Jin Hee Han, Nayoung Yi, Hyo Soon Yoo, Marge Carandang, Sang-Yeon Lee, Bong Jik Kim, Byung Yoon Choi
Efficacy of cochlear implants in children with borderline hearing who have already achieved significant language development with hearing aids.
PLoS One
2022 ;17 (6) :e0267898 -e0267898
Bong Jik Kim, Hyoungwon Jeon, Yehree Kim, Sang-Yeon Lee, Jin Hee Han, Nayoung Yi, Jong Woo Chung, Seung-Ha Oh, Byung Yoon Choi
Long-term audiologic outcomes and potential outcome predictors of cochlear implantation in cochlear aplasia with dilated vestibule: A case series.
Clin Otolaryngol
2022 ;47 (5) :599 -605
Sang-Yeon Lee, Hyo Soon Yoo, Jin Hee Han, Dae Hee Lee, Sang Soo Park, Myung Hwan Suh, Jun Ho Lee, Seung-Ha Oh, Byung Yoon Choi
Novel Molecular Genetic Etiology of Asymmetric Hearing Loss: Autosomal-Dominant LMX1A Variants.
Ear Hear
2022 ;43 (6) :1698 -1707
Yehree Kim, Sang-Yeon Lee, Min Young Kim, Kyusun Park, Jin Hee Han, Jung Ho Kim, Bong Jik Kim, Byung Yoon Choi
Auditory Phenotype and Histopathologic Findings of a Mutant Nlrp3 Expression Mouse Model.
Front Neurol
2022 ;13 :890256 -890256
Young Seok Kim, Yoonjoong Kim, Hyoung Won Jeon, Nayoung Yi, Sang-Yeon Lee, Yehree Kim, Jin Hee Han, Min Young Kim, Bo Hye Kim, Hyeong Yun Choi, Marge Carandang, Ja-Won Koo, Bong Jik Kim, Yun Jung Bae, Byung Yoon Choi
Full etiologic spectrum of pediatric severe to profound hearing loss of consecutive 119 cases.
Sci Rep
2022 ;12 (1) :12335 -12335
So Young Kim, Bong Jik Kim, Doo Yi Oh, Jin Hee Han, Nayoung Yi, Namju Justin Kim, Moo Kyun Park, Changwon Keum, Go Hun Seo, Byung Yoon Choi
Improving genetic diagnosis by disease-specific, ACMG/AMP variant interpretation guidelines for hearing loss.
Sci Rep
2022 ;12 (1) :12457 -12457
Hyung Dong Jo, Jin Hee Han, So Min Lee, Dong Hwa Choi, Sang-Yeon Lee, Byung Yoon Choi
Genetic Load of Alternations of Transcription Factor Genes in Non-Syndromic Deafness and the Associated Clinical Phenotypes: Experience from Two Tertiary Referral Centers.
2022 ;10 (9)
Yehree Kim, Goun Choe, Heonjeong Oh, Byung Yoon Choi
A comparative study of audiological outcomes and compliance between the Osia system and other bone conduction hearing implants.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
2022 ;280 (5) :2217 -2224
Bong Jik Kim, Hyoung Won Jeon, Woosung Jeon, Jin Hee Han, Jayoung Oh, Nayoung Yi, Min Young Kim, Minah Kim, Justin Namju Kim, Bo Hye Kim, Joon Young Hyon, Dongsup Kim, Ja-Won Koo, Doo-Yi Oh, Byung Yoon Choi
Rising of LOXHD1 as a signature causative gene of down-sloping hearing loss in people in their teens and 20s.
J Med Genet
2022 ;59 (5) :470 -480
Aaran Lewis, Barbara Vanaelst, Hakan Hua, Byung Yoon Choi, Rafael Jaramillo, Kelvin Kong, Jaydip Ray, Alok Thakar, Krister Jarbrink, Myrthe K S Hol
Success rates in restoring hearing loss in patients with chronic otitis media: A systematic review.
Laryngoscope Investig Otolaryngol
2021 ;6 (3) :522 -530
Boeun Lee, Yun Jung Bae, Byung Se Choi, Byung Yoon Choi, Se Jin Cho, Hyojin Kim, Jae Hyoung Kim
Radiologic Differentiation between Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis and Its Mimics Involving the Skull Base in Humans Using High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Diagnostics (Basel)
2021 ;11 (11)
Woongsang Sunwoo, Hyoung Won Jeon, Byung Yoon Choi
Effect of initial switch-on within 24?hours of cochlear implantation using slim modiolar electrodes.
Sci Rep
2021 ;11 (1) :22809 -22809
Yehree Kim, Yoonjoong Kim, Young Seok Kim, Sang-Yeon Lee, Byung Yoon Choi
Tight modiolar proximity and feasibility of slim modiolar cochlear implant electrode array insertion in diverse etiologies of hearing loss.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
Sang-Yeon Lee, Munyoung Chang, Byungjoon Kwon, Byung Yoon Choi, Ja-Won Koo, Taesup Moon, Dirk De Ridder, Sven Vanneste, Jae-Jin Song
Is the posterior cingulate cortex an on-off switch for tinnitus?: A comparison between hearing loss subjects with and without tinnitus.
Hear Res
2021 ;411 :108356 -108356
So Young Kim, Seungmin Lee, Go Hun Seo, Bong Jik Kim, Doo Yi Oh, Jin Hee Han, Moo Kyun Park, So Min Lee, Bonggi Kim, Nayoung Yi, Namju Justin Kim, Doo Hyun Koh, Sohyun Hwang, Changwon Keum, Byung Yoon Choi
Powerful use of automated prioritization of candidate variants in genetic hearing loss with extreme etiologic heterogeneity.
Sci Rep
2021 ;11 (1) :19476 -19476
Boeun Lee, Yun Jung Bae, Byung Yoon Choi, Young Seok Kim, Jin Hee Han, Hyojin Kim, Byung Se Choi, Jae Hyoung Kim
Construction of an MRI-based decision tree to differentiate autoimmune and autoinflammatory inner ear disease from chronic otitis media with sensorineural hearing loss.
Sci Rep
2021 ;11 (1) :19171 -19171
Soyoung Lee, Byung Yoon Choi, Bong Jik Kim
Most Important Factors in Diagnosing Cryopyrin-Associated Periodic Syndrome.
Allergy Asthma Immunol Res
2021 ;13 (5) :817 -818
Sang-Yeon Lee, Yein Lee, Jun Young Choi, Yun Jung Bae, MinJu Kim, Jae-Jin Song, Byung Yoon Choi, Won-Ki Jeong, Ja-Won Koo
Quantitative three-dimensional image analysis of the superior canal after surgical plugging to treat superior semicircular canal dehiscence.
Sci Rep
2021 ;11 (1) :16112 -16112
Young Ho Kim, Bong Jik Kim, Jinhee Han, Byung Yoon Choi, Soyoung Lee
Long-Term Efficacy of Anakinra in Cryopyrin-Associated Periodic Syndrome: Focus on Destructive Arthropathy.
J Clin Immunol
2021 ;41 (8) :1936 -1939
Sang-Yeon Lee, Hyun Been Choi, Mina Park, Il Soon Choi, Jieun An, Ami Kim, Eunku Kim, Nahyun Kim, Jin Hee Han, Min Young Kim, Seung Min Lee, Doo-Yi Oh, Bong Jik Kim, Nayoung Yi, Nayoung K D Kim, Chung Lee, Woong-Yang Park, Young Ik Koh, Heon Yung Gee, Hyun Sung Cho, Tong Mook Kang, Byung Yoon Choi
Novel KCNQ4 variants in different functional domains confer genotype- and mechanism-based therapeutics in patients with nonsyndromic hearing loss.
Exp Mol Med
2021 ;53 (7) :1192 -1204
Sang-Yeon Lee, Young Seok Kim, Hyung Dong Jo, Yoonjoong Kim, Marge Carandang, Gene Huh, Byung Yoon Choi
Effects of in vivo repositioning of slim modiolar electrodes on electrical thresholds and speech perception.
Sci Rep
2021 ;11 (1) :15135 -15135
Takushi Miyoshi, Inna A Belyantseva, Shin-Ichiro Kitajiri, Hiroki Miyajima, Shin-Ya Nishio, Shin-Ichi Usami, Bong Jik Kim, Byung Yoon Choi, Koichi Omori, Hari Shroff, Thomas B Friedman
Human deafness-associated variants alter the dynamics of key molecules in hair cell stereocilia F-actin cores.
Hum Genet
Mayher J Patel, Marina T DiStefano, Andrea M Oza, Madeline Y Hughes, Emma H Wilcox, Sarah E Hemphill, Brandon J Cushman, Andrew R Grant, Rebecca K Siegert, Jun Shen, Alex Chapin, Nicole J Boczek, Lisa A Schimmenti, Kiyomitsu Nara, Margaret Kenna, Hela Azaiez, Kevin T Booth, Karen B Avraham, Hannie Kremer, Andrew J Griffith, Heidi L Rehm, Sami S Amr, Ahmad N Abou Tayoun, ClinGen Hearing Loss Clinical Domain Working Group
Disease-specific ACMG/AMP guidelines improve sequence variant interpretation for hearing loss.
Genet Med
2021 ;23 (11) :2208 -2212
Sang-Yeon Lee, Byung Yoon Choi
Potential Implications of Slim Modiolar Electrodes for Severely Malformed Cochleae: A Comparison With the Straight Array With Circumferential Electrodes.
Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol
2021 ;14 (3) :287 -294
Sang-Yeon Lee, Jin Hee Han, Hoo-Kang Song, Namju Justin Kim, Nayoung Yi, Jeong-Sug Kyong, Byung Yoon Choi
Central auditory maturation and behavioral outcomes after cochlear implantation in prelingual auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder related to OTOF variants (DFNB9): Lessons from pilot study.
PLoS One
2021 ;16 (6) :e0252717 -e0252717
Seung-Jae Lee, Sang-Yeon Lee, Gwang-Seok An, Kyogu Lee, Byung-Yoon Choi, Ja-Won Koo, Jae-Jin Song
Treatment Outcomes of Patients with Glomus Tympanicum Tumors Presenting with Pulsatile Tinnitus.
J Clin Med
2021 ;10 (11)
Minwoo Wendy Jang, Doo-Yi Oh, Eunyoung Yi, Xuezhong Liu, Jie Ling, Nayoung Kim, Kushal Sharma, Tai Young Kim, Seungmin Lee, Ah-Reum Kim, Min Young Kim, Min-A Kim, Mingyu Lee, Jin-Hee Han, Jae Joon Han, Hye-Rim Park, Bong Jik Kim, Sang-Yeon Lee, Dong Ho Woo, Jayoung Oh, Soo-Jin Oh, Tingting Du, Ja-Won Koo, Seung-Ha Oh, Hyun-Woo Shin, Moon-Woo Seong, Kyu-Yup Lee, Un-Kyung Kim, Jung Bum Shin, Shushan Sang, Xinzhang Cai, Lingyun Mei, Chufeng He, Susan H Blanton, Zheng-Yi Chen, Hongsheng Chen, Xianlin Liu, Aida Nourbakhsh, Zaohua Huang, Kwon-Woo Kang, Woong-Yang Park, Yong Feng, C Justin Lee, Byung Yoon Choi
A nonsense TMEM43 variant leads to disruption of connexin-linked function and autosomal dominant auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
2021 ;118 (22)
Sang-Yeon Lee, Seung Cheol Han, Jin Hee Han, Min Young Kim, Doo-Yi Oh, Namju Justin Kim, Jae-Jin Song, Ja-Won Koo, Jun Ho Lee, Seung-Ha Oh, Byung Yoon Choi
Natural Course of Residual Hearing with Reference to GJB2 and SLC26A4 Genotypes: Clinical Implications for Hearing Rehabilitation.
Ear Hear
2021 ;42 (3) :644 -653
Chan Il Song, Hyong-Ho Cho, Byung Yoon Choi, Jae Young Choi, Jin Woong Choi, Yun-Hoon Choung, Jong Woo Chung, Won-Ho Chung, Sung Hwa Hong, Yehree Kim, Byung Don Lee, Il-Woo Lee, Jong Dae Lee, Jun Ho Lee, Kyu-Yup Lee, Il Joon Moon, In Seok Moon, Seung-Ha Oh, Hong Ju Park, Shi Nae Park, Ji Won Seo
Results of the Active Middle Ear Implantation in Patients With Mixed Hearing Loss After the Middle Ear Surgery: Prospective Multicenter Study (ROMEO Study).
Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol
Bong Jik Kim, Hyoung Won Jeon, Woosung Jeon, Jin Hee Han, Jayoung Oh, Nayoung Yi, Min Young Kim, Minah Kim, Justin Namju Kim, Bo Hye Kim, Joon Young Hyon, Dongsup Kim, Ja-Won Koo, Doo-Yi Oh, Byung Yoon Choi
Rising of LOXHD1 as a signature causative gene of down-sloping hearing loss in people in their teens and 20s.
J Med Genet
2021 ;141 (5) :495 -501
Sang-Youp Lee, Goun Choe, Sang-Yeon Lee, Namju Justin Kim, Marge Carandang, Seung Ha Oh, Jun Ho Lee, Byung Yoon Choi
Outcome of cochlear implantation in the worse ear of post-lingual asymmetric hearing loss: elucidation of prognostic markers.
Acta Otolaryngol
2021 ;141 (5) :495 -501
Joungha Won, Hasan Huseyin Kazan, Jea Kwon, Myungsun Park, Mehmet Ali Ergun, Sureyya Ozcan, Byung Yoon Choi, Won Do Heo, C Justin Lee
Ultimate COVID-19 Detection Protocol Based on Saliva Sampling and qRT-PCR with Risk Probability Assessment.
Exp Neurobiol
2021 ;30 (1) :13 -31
Bong Jik Kim, Young Ho Kim, Jin Hee Han, Sang-Yeon Lee, Marge Carandang, Dong-Han Lee, Soyoung Lee, Byung Yoon Choi
Outcome of Cochlear Implantation in NLRP3-related Autoinflammatory Inner Ear Disorders.
Otol Neurotol
2021 ;42 (2) :e168 -e171
Bong Jik Kim, Young Ho Kim, Seungmin Lee, Jin Hee Han, Sang-Yeon Lee, Jeon Seong, Dong-Han Lee, Bonggi Kim, Hye-Rim Park, Marge Carandang, Dooyi Oh, Seung Ha Oh, Joong Gon Kim, Soyoung Lee, Byung Yoon Choi
Otological aspects of NLRP3-related autoinflammatory disorder focusing on the responsiveness to anakinra.
Rheumatology (Oxford)
2021 ;60 (3) :1523 -1532
Sang-Yeon Lee, Byung Yoon Choi, Ja-Won Koo, Dirk De Ridder, Jae-Jin Song
Cortical Oscillatory Signatures Reveal the Prerequisites for Tinnitus Perception: A Comparison of Subjects With Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss With and Without Tinnitus.
Front Neurosci
2020 ;14 :596647 -596647
Sang-Yeon Lee, Min-Kyung Kim, Yun Jung Bae, Gwang Seok An, Kyogu Lee, Byung Yoon Choi, Ja-Won Koo, Jae-Jin Song
Longitudinal analysis of surgical outcome in subjects with pulsatile tinnitus originating from the sigmoid sinus.
Sci Rep
2020 ;10 (1) :18194 -18194
Sang-Yeon Lee, Jin Hee Han, Marge Carandang, Yun Jung Bae, Byung Yoon Choi
Simpler and effective radiological evaluations for modiolar proximity of a slim modiolar cochlear implant electrode.
Sci Rep
2020 ;10 (1) :17714 -17714
Sang-Yeon Lee, Doo-Yi Oh, Jin Hee Han, Min Young Kim, Bonggi Kim, Bong Jik Kim, Jae-Jin Song, Ja-Won Koo, Jun Ho Lee, Seung Ha Oh, Byung Yoon Choi
Flexible Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based Platforms for Detecting Deafness Mutations in Koreans: A Proposed Guideline for the Etiologic Diagnosis of Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder.
Diagnostics (Basel)
2020 ;10 (9)
Sang-Yeon Lee, Jin Hee Han, Marge Carandang, Min Young Kim, Bonggi Kim, Nayoung Yi, Jinho Kim, Bong Jik Kim, Doo-Yi Oh, Ja-Won Koo, Jun Ho Lee, Seung-Ha Oh, Byung Yoon Choi
Novel genotype-phenotype correlation of functionally characterized LMX1A variants linked to sensorineural hearing loss.
Hum Mutat
2020 ;41 (11) :1877 -1883
Sang-Yeon Lee, Yun Jung Bae, Marge Carandang, Yoonjoong Kim, Jin Hee Han, Gene Huh, Jae-Jin Song, Ja-Won Koo, Jun Ho Lee, Seung Ha Oh, Byung Yoon Choi
Modiolar Proximity of Slim Modiolar Electrodes and Cochlear Duct Length: Correlation for Potential Basis of Customized Cochlear Implantation With Perimodiolar Electrodes.
Ear Hear
2020 ;42 (2) :323 -333
Jeon Seong, Seung Koo Yang, Pilkeun Jang, Sang-Yeon Lee, Marge Carandang, Byung-Yoon Choi
Clinical Factors Influencing the Trial and Purchase of Bilateral Microphones with Contralateral Routing of Signal in Patients with Asymmetric Sensorineural Hearing Loss.
J Audiol Otol
2020 ;24 (1) :29 -34
Myungsun Park, Joungha Won, Byung Yoon Choi, C Justin Lee
Optimization of primer sets and detection protocols for SARS-CoV-2 of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) using PCR and real-time PCR.
Exp Mol Med
2020 ;52 (6) :963 -977
So Young Kim, Da-Hye Lee, Jin Hee Han, Byung Yoon Choi
Novel Splice Site Pathogenic Variant of EFTUD2 Is Associated with Mandibulofacial Dysostosis with Microcephaly and Extracranial Symptoms in Korea.
Diagnostics (Basel)
2020 ;10 (5)
Jae Joon Han, Hye-Rim Park, Jae-Jin Song, Ja-Won Koo, Byung Yoon Choi
A comparison study of audiological outcome and compliance of bone conduction implantable hearing implants.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
2020 ;277 (11) :3003 -3012
Sang-Yeon Lee, Ye Ji Shim, Jin-Hee Han, Jae-Jin Song, Ja-Won Koo, Seung Ha Oh, Seungmin Lee, Doo-Yi Oh, Byung Yoon Choi
The molecular etiology of deafness and auditory performance in the postlingually deafened cochlear implantees.
Sci Rep
2020 ;10 (1) :5768 -5768
Bong Jik Kim, Doo-Yi Oh, Jin Hee Han, Jayoung Oh, Min Young Kim, Hye-Rim Park, Jungirl Seok, Sung-Dong Cho, Sang-Yeon Lee, Yoonjoong Kim, Marge Carandang, In Sun Kwon, Seungmin Lee, Jeong Hun Jang, Yun-Hoon Choung, Sejoon Lee, Hakmin Lee, Sang Mee Hwang, Byung Yoon Choi
Significant Mendelian genetic contribution to pediatric mild-to-moderate hearing loss and its comprehensive diagnostic approach.
Genet Med
2020 ;22 (6) :1119 -1128
Chang Ho Lee, Sung-Su Park, Da-Hye Lee, So Min Lee, Min Young Kim, Byung Yoon Choi, So Young Kim
Tauroursodeoxycholic acid attenuates cisplatin-induced hearing loss in rats.
Neurosci Lett
2020 ;722 :134838 -134838
Doo-Yi Oh, Yoshihiro Matsumoto, Shin-Ichiro Kitajiri, Nayoung K D Kim, Min Young Kim, Ah Reum Kim, Mingyu Lee, Chung Lee, Alan E Tomkinson, Tatsuya Katsuno, So Young Kim, Hyun-Woo Shin, Jin Hee Han, Seungmin Lee, Woong-Yang Park, Byung Yoon Choi
POLD1 variants leading to reduced polymerase activity can cause hearing loss without syndromic features.
Hum Mutat
2020 ;41 (5) :913 -920
Joungha Won, Solji Lee, Myungsun Park, Tai Young Kim, Mingu Gordon Park, Byung Yoon Choi, Dongwan Kim, Hyeshik Chang, V Narry Kim, C Justin Lee
Development of a Laboratory-safe and Low-cost Detection Protocol for SARS-CoV-2 of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Exp Neurobiol
2020 ;29 (2) :107 -119
Sang-Yeon Lee, Kwangsic Joo, Jayoung Oh, Jin Hee Han, Hye-Rim Park, Seungmin Lee, Doo-Yi Oh, Se Joon Woo, Byung Yoon Choi
Severe or Profound Sensorineural Hearing Loss Caused by Novel USH2A Variants in Korea: Potential Genotype-Phenotype Correlation.
Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol
2020 ;13 (2) :113 -122
Sang-Yeon Lee, Yun Jung Bae, Minju Kim, Jae-Jin Song, Byung Yoon Choi, Ja-Won Koo
Changes in Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Gain After Surgical Plugging of Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence.
Front Neurol
2020 ;11 :694 -694
Kim Bong Jik, Ueyama Takehiko, Miyoshi Takushi, Lee Seungmin, Han Jin Hee, Park Hye-Rim, Kim Ah Reum, Oh Jayoung, Kim Min Young, Kang Yong Seok, Oh Doo Yi, Yun Jiwon, Hwang Sang Mee, Kim Nayoung K D, Park Woong-Yang, Kitajiri Shin-Ichiro, Choi Byung Yoon
Differential disruption of autoinhibition and defect in assembly of cytoskeleton during cell division decide the fate of human DIAPH1-related cytoskeletopathy
2019 ;56 (12) :818 -827
Jang Jeong Hun, Choi Byung Yoon, Oh Jayoung, Han Jin Hee, Park Hye-Rim, Kim Bong Jik, Lee Sejoon, Kim Min Young, Lee Seungmin, Oh Doo-Yi, Choung Yun-Hoon
Identification of a Novel Frameshift Variant of POU3F4 and Genetic Counseling of Korean Incomplete Partition Type III Subjects Based on Detailed Genotypes
2019 ;23 (6) :423 -427
Shim Ye Ji, Bae Yun Jung, An Gwang Seok, Lee Kyogu, Kim Yoonjoong, Lee Sang-Youp, Choi Byung Yoon, Choi Byung Se, Kim Jae Hyoung, Koo Ja-Won, Song Jae-Jin
Involvement of the Internal Auditory Canal in Subjects With Cochlear Otosclerosis: A Less Acknowledged Third Window That Affects Surgical Outcome
2019 ;40 (3) :e186 -e190
Han Jae Joon, Nguyen Pham Dinh, Oh Doo-Yi, Han Jin Hee, Kim Ah-Reum, Kim Min Young, Park Hye-Rim, Tran Lam Huyen, Dung Nguyen Huu, Koo Ja-Won, Lee Jun Ho, Oh Seung Ha, Anh Vu Hoang, Choi Byung Yoon
Elucidation of the unique mutation spectrum of severe hearing loss in a Vietnamese pediatric population
2019 ;9 (1)
Han Jae Joon, Choi Byung Yoon, Bae Yun Jung, Song Seul Ki, Song Jae-Jin, Koo Ja-Won, Lee Jun Ho, Oh Seung Ha, Kim Bong Jik
Prediction of the Outcome of Cochlear Implantation in the Patients with Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Characteristics
2019 ;8 (2)
Lee Sang-Yeon, Song Seul-Ki, Park Sung Joon, Park Han Gyeol, Choi Byung Yoon, Koo Ja-Won, Song Jae-Jin
Jugular Bulb Resurfacing With Bone Cement for Patients With High Dehiscent Jugular Bulb and Ipsilateral Pulsatile Tinnitus
2019 ;40 (2) :192 -199
Lee Sang-Yeon, Han Jin Hee, Kim Bong Jik, Oh Seung Ha, Lee Seungmin, Oh Doo-Yi, Choi Byung Yoon
Identification of a Potential Founder Effect of a Novel PDZD7 Variant Involved in Moderate-to-Severe Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Koreans
2019 ;20 (17)
Han Sun A, Song Jae-Jin, Choe Goun, Kim Yoonjoong, Koo Ja-Won, Choi Byung Yoon
Beware of a Fragile Footplate: Lessons from Ossiculoplasty in Patients with Ossicular Anomalies Related to Second Pharyngeal Arch Defects
2019 ;8 (12)
Takeda Hiroki, Minoda Ryosei, Miwa Toru, Kim Min Young, Choi Byung Yoon, Orita Yorihisa
Prenatal electroporation-mediated gene transfer restores Slc26a4 knock-out mouse hearing and vestibular function
2019 ;9 (1)
Lee Sun-Uk, Kim Ji-Soo, Bae Yun Jung, Kim Hyo-Jung, Choi Jeong-Yoon, Song Jae-Jin, Choi Byung Yoon, Choi Byung-Se, Koo Ja-Won
Intralabyrinthine Schwannoma: Distinct Features for Differential Diagnosis
2019 ;10
Kim Bong Jik, Kim Dong-Kyu, Han Jin Hee, Oh Jayoung, Kim Ah Reum, Lee Chung, Kim Nayoung Kd, Park Hye-Rim, Kim Min Young, Lee Sejoon, Lee Seungmin, Oh Doo Yi, Park Woong-Yang, Park Sungjin, Choi Byung Yoon
Clarification of glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchorage of OTOANCORIN and human OTOA variants associated with deafness
2019 ;40 (5) :525 -531
Lee Sang-Yeon, Kim Shin Hye, Bae Yun Jung, Kim Eun Hee, Koo Ja-Won, Choi Byung Yoon
Appropriate Imaging Modality for the Etiologic Diagnosis of Congenital Single-Sided Deafness in Children
2018 ;7 (12)
Kim Bong Jik, Jang Jeong Hun, Han Jin Hee, Park Hye-Rim, Oh Doo Yi, Lee Seungmin, Kim Min Young, Kim Ah Reum, Lee Chung, Kim Nayoung K D, Park Woong-Yang, Choung Yun-Hoon, Choi Byung Yoon
Mutational and phenotypic spectrum of OTOF-related auditory neuropathy in Koreans: eliciting reciprocal interaction between bench and clinics
2018 ;16 (1)
Shim Ye Ji, Choi Byung Yoon, Park Kyo Hoon, Lee Hyunju, Jung Young Mi, Kim Yu Mi
Inflammatory and Immune Proteins in Umbilical Cord Blood: Association with Hearing Screening Test Failure in Preterm Neonates
2018 ;2018 (6)
Kim Bong Jik, Han Jae Joon, Shin Seung Han, Kim Han-Suk, Yang Hye Ran, Choi Eun Hwa, Chang Mun Young, Lee Sang-Yeon, Suh Myung-Whan, Koo Ja-Won, Lee Jun Ho, Choi Byung Yoon, Oh Seung-Ha
Characterization of Detailed Audiological Features of Cytomegalovirus Infection: A Composite Cohort Study from Groups with Distinct Demographics
2018 ;2018
Sunwoo Woongsang, Lee Won-Wook, Choi Byung Yoon
Extremely common radiographic finding of cochlear nerve deficiency among infants with prelingual single-sided deafness and its clinical implications
2018 ;112 :176 -181
Kim Bong Jik, Han Jin Hee, Park Hye-Rim, Kim Min Young, Kim Ah Reum, Oh Seung-Ha, Park Woong-Yang, Oh Doo Yi, Lee Seungmin, Choi Byung Yoon
A clinical guidance to DFNA22 drawn from a Korean cohort study with an autosomal dominant deaf population: A retrospective cohort study
2018 ;20 (6)
Chang Mun Young, Lee Chung, Han Jin Hee, Kim Min Young, Park Hye-Rim, Kim Nayoung, Park Woong-Yang, Oh Doo Yi, Choi Byung Yoon
Expansion of phenotypic spectrum of MYO15A pathogenic variants to include postlingual onset of progressive partial deafness
2018 ;19 (1)
Choi Byung Yoon, Chang Mun Young, Ahn Soyeon, Kim Min Young, Han Jin Hee, Park Hye-Rim, Seo Han Kyu, Yoon Jinsun, Lee Seungmin, Oh Doo-Yi, Kang Changsoo
One-step noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for autosomal recessive homozygous point mutations using digital PCR
2018 ;8 (1)
Han Jae Joon, Choi Byung Yoon, Rhee Jihye, Song Jae-Jin, Koo Ja-Won
Clinical predictors for satisfaction with incus vibroplasty: a preliminary study
2018 ;275 (2) :371 -378
Kim So Young, Choi Byung Yoon, Jung Eun Young, Park Hyunsoo, Yoo Ha-Na, Park Kyo Hoon
Risk factors for failure in the newborn hearing screen test in very preterm twins
2018 ;59 (6) :586 -594
Han Kyu-Hee, Oh Doo-Yi, Lee Seungmin, Lee Chung, Han Jin Hee, Kim Min Young, Park Hye-Rim, Park Moo Kyun, Kim Nayoung K D, Lee Jaekwang, Yi Eunyoung, Kim Jong-Min, Kim Jeong-Whun, Chae Jong-Hee, Oh Seung Ha, Park Woong-Yang, Choi Byung Yoon
ATP1A3 mutations can cause progressive auditory neuropathy: a new gene of auditory synaptopathy
2017 ;7 (1)
Kim Ah Reum, Chung Juyong, Kim Nayoung K D, Lee Chung, Park Woong-Yang, Oh Doo-Yi, Choi Byung Yoon
The Analysis of A Frequent TMPRSS3 Allele Containing P.V116M and P.V291L in A Cis Configuration among Deaf Koreans
2017 ;18 (11)
Kim Shin Hye, Koo Ja-Won, Lim Jae Hyun, Han Jae Joon, Jin Young Ju, Kim Sun Kyung, Kim Jin Young, Song Jae-Jin, Choi Byung Yoon
Outcomes and limitations of hospital-based newborn hearing screening
2017 ;98 :53 -58
Jung Eun Young, Park Kyo Hoon, Park Jaehong, Rhee Jihye, Cho Soo-Hyun, Choi Byung Yoon
Relation between amniotic fluid infection or cytokine levels and hearing screen failure in infants at 32 wk gestation or less
2017 ;81 (2) :349 -355
Kim Bong Jik, Kim Ah Reum, Han Jin Hee, Lee Chung, Oh Doo Yi, Choi Byung Yoon
Discovery of MYH14 as an important and unique deafness gene causing prelingually severe autosomal dominant nonsyndromic hearing loss
2017 ;19 (4)
Park Joo Hyun, Kim Ah Reum, Han Jin Hee, Kim Seong Dong, Kim Shin Hye, Koo Ja-Won, Oh Seung Ha, Choi Byung Yoon
Outcome of Cochlear Implantation in Prelingually Deafened Children According to Molecular Genetic Etiology
2017 ;38 (5) :e316 -e324
Kim Shin Hye, Choi Byung Yoon, Park Jaehong, Jung Eun Young, Cho Soo-Hyun, Park Kyo Hoon
Maternal and Placental Factors Associated with Congenital Hearing Loss in Very Preterm Neonates
2017 ;58 (3) :236 -244
Rah Yoon Chan, Park Joo Hyun, Park Jae Hong, Choi Byung Yoon, Koo Ja-Won
Dizziness and vestibular function before and after cochlear implantation
2016 ;273 (11) :3615 -3621
Kim Bong Jik, Kim Ah Reum, Han Kyu-Hee, Rah Yoon Chan, Hyun Jaihwan, Ra Brandon S, Koo Ja-Won, Choi Byung Yoon
Distinct vestibular phenotypes in DFNA9 families with COCH variants
2016 ;273 (10) :2993 -3002
Song Jae-Jin, Lee Kyogu, An Gwang Seok, Choi Inyong, De Ridder Dirk, Kim So Young, Choi Hyun Seok, Park Joo Hyun, Choi Byung Yoon, Koo Ja-Won
Objectification and Differential Diagnosis of Vascular Pulsatile Tinnitus by Transcanal Sound Recording and Spectrotemporal Analysis: A Preliminary Study
2016 ;37 (6) :613 -620
Kim So Young, Kim Ah Reum, Kim Nayoung K D, Lee Chung, Kim Min Young, Jeon Eun-Hee, Park Woong-Yang, Choi Byung Yoon
Unraveling of Enigmatic Hearing-Impaired GJB2 Single Heterozygotes by Massive Parallel Sequencing: DFNB1 or Not?
2016 ;95 (14)
Kim Shin Hye, Choi Hyun Seok, Han Young Eun, Choi Byung Yoon
Diverse etiologies manifesting auditory neuropathy characteristics from infants with profound hearing loss and clinical implications
2016 ;86 :63 -67
Han Kyu-Hee, Kim Ah Reum, Kim Min Young, Ahn Soyeon, Oh Seung-Ha, Song Ju Hun, Choi Byung Yoon
Establishment of a Flexible Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based Platform for Detecting Prevalent Deafness Mutations Associated with Variable Degree of Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Koreans
2016 ;11 (9)
Park Mina, Han Sungjun, Choi Byung Yoon, Chang Sun O, Kim Chong Sun, Koo Ja-Won
Incus footplate assembly: Indication and surgical outcome
2016 ;126 (11) :2569 -2573
Kim Bong Jik, Kim Ah Reum, Lee Chung, Kim So Young, Kim Nayoung K D, Chang Mun Young, Rhee Jihye, Park Mi-Hyun, Koo Soo Kyung, Kim Min Young, Han Jin Hee, Oh Seung-Ha, Park Woong-Yang, Choi Byung Yoon
Discovery of CDH23 as a Significant Contributor to Progressive Postlingual Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Koreans
2016 ;11 (10)
Kim So Young, Kim Ah Reum, Kim Nayoung K D, Lee Chung, Han Jin Hee, Kim Min Young, Jeon Eun-Hee, Park Woong-Yang, Mittal Rahul, Yan Denise, Liu Xue Zhong, Choi Byung Yoon
Functional characterization of a novel loss-of-function mutation of PRPS1 related to early-onset progressive nonsyndromic hearing loss in Koreans (DFNX1): Potential implications on future therapeutic intervention
2016 ;18 (11-12) :353 -358
Chang Mun Young, Kim Ah Reum, Kim Min Young, Kim Soyoung, Yoon Jinsun, Han Jae Joon, Ahn Soyeon, Kang Changsoo, Choi Byung Yoon
Development of novel noninvasive prenatal testing protocol for whole autosomal recessive disease using picodroplet digital PCR
2016 ;6
Choi Hyun Seok, Kim Ah Reum, Kim Shin Hye, Choi Byung Yoon
Identification of a novel truncation mutation of EYA4 in moderate degree hearing loss by targeted exome sequencing
2016 ;273 (5) :1123 -1129
Park Joo Hyun, Choi Byung Yoon, An Yong-Hwi, Song Jae-Jin, Koo Ja-Won, Lee Jun Ho, Oh Seung Ha, Chang Sun O, Kim Chong Sun
Clinical observations and molecular variables of patients with hearing loss and incomplete partition type III
2016 ;126 (3) :E123 -E128
Lee Sun-Uk, Kee Hyun-Ju, Sheen Seung Soo, Choi Byung Yoon, Koo Ja-Won, Kim Ji-Soo
Head-shaking and Vibration-induced Nystagmus During and Between the Attacks of Unilateral Meniere's Disease
2015 ;36 (5) :865 -872
Kim Shin Hye, Kim Ah Reum, Choi Hyun Seok, Kim Min Young, Chun Eun Hi, Oh Seung-Ha, Choi Byung Yoon
Molecular Etiology of Hereditary Single-Side Deafness: Its Association With Pigmentary Disorders and Waardenburg Syndrome
2015 ;94 (43)
Chang Mun Young, Kim Ah Reum, Kim Nayoung K D, Lee Chung, Park Woong-Yang, Choi Byung Yoon
Refinement of Molecular Diagnostic Protocol of Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder: Disclosure of Significant Level of Etiologic Homogeneity in Koreans and Its Clinical Implications
2015 ;94 (47)
Rah Yoon C, Kim Ah R, Koo Ja-Won, Lee Jun H, Oh Seung-Ha, Choi Byung Y
Audiologic presentation of enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct according to the SLC26A4 genotypes
2015 ;125 (6) :E216 -E222
Rah Yoon C, Han Jae J, Park Jaehong, Choi Byung Y, Koo Ja-Won
Management of intractable Meniere's disease after intratympanic injection of gentamicin
2015 ;125 (4) :972 -978
Choi Jin Woong, Kang Seong Il, Rhee Ji Hye, Choi Byung Yoon, Choi Byeong Yoon, Kim Ji-Soo, Koo Ja-Won
Clinical implication of ocular torsion in peripheral vestibulopathy
2015 ;272 (7) :1613 -1617
Park Joo Hyun, Lee Sang Yeon, Song Jae-Jin, Choi Byung Yoon, Koo Ja-Won
Electrocochleographic findings in superior canal dehiscence syndrome
2015 ;323 :61 -67
Kim Ah Reum, Chang Mun Young, Koo Ja-Won, Oh Seung Ha, Choi Byung Yoon
Novel TECTA mutations identified in stable sensorineural hearing loss and their clinical implications
2015 ;20 (1) :17 -25
Kim Nayoung K D, Kim Ah Reum, Park Kyung Tae, Kim So Young, Kim Min Young, Nam Jae-Yong, Woo Se Joon, Oh Seung-Ha, Park Woong-Yang, Choi Byung Yoon
Whole-exome sequencing reveals diverse modes of inheritance in sporadic mild to moderate sensorineural hearing loss in a pediatric population
2015 ;17 (11) :901 -911
Kim Nayoung K D, Higashi Tomohito, Park Woong-Yang, Lee Kyoung Yeul, Kim Ah Reum, Kitajiri Shin-ichiro, Kim Min Young, Chang Mun Young, Kim Veronica, Oh Seung-Ha, Kim Dongsup, Furuse Mikio, Choi Byung Yoon
Downsloping high-frequency hearing loss due to inner ear tricellular tight junction disruption by a novel ILDR1 mutation in the Ig-like domain
2015 ;10 (2)
Kim Bong Jik, Kim Ah Reum, Park Gibeom, Park Woong Yang, Chang Sun O, Oh Seung-Ha, Choi Byung Yoon
Targeted Exome Sequencing of Deafness Genes After Failure of Auditory Phenotype-Driven Candidate Gene Screening
2015 ;36 (6) :1096 -1102
Kim So Young, Kim Ah Reum, Han Kyu Hee, Kim Min Young, Jeon Eun-Hee, Koo Ja-Won, Oh Seung Ha, Choi Byung Yoon
Residual Hearing in DFNB1 Deafness and Its Clinical Implication in a Korean Population
2015 ;10 (6)
Chang Mun Young, Kim Ah Reum, Kim Nayoung K D, Lee Chung, Lee Kyoung Yeul, Jeon Woo-Sung, Koo Ja-Won, Oh Seung Ha, Park Woong-Yang, Kim Dongsup, Choi Byung Yoon
Identification and Clinical Implications of Novel MYO15A Mutations in a Non-consanguineous Korean Family by Targeted Exome Sequencing
2015 ;38 (9) :781 -788
Kim So Young, Kim Ah Reum, Kim Nayoung K D, Kim Min Young, Jeon Eun-Hee, Kim Bong Jik, Han Young Eun, Chang Mun Young, Park Woong-Yang, Choi Byung Yoon
Strong founder effect of p.P240L in CDH23 in Koreans and its significant contribution to severe-to-profound nonsyndromic hearing loss in a Korean pediatric population
2015 ;13
Kurima Kiyoto, Ebrahim Seham, Pan Bifeng, Sedlacek Miloslav, Sengupta Prabuddha, Millis Bryan A, Cui Runjia, Nakanishi Hiroshi, Fujikawa Taro, Kawashima Yoshiyuki, Choi Byung Yoon, Monahan Kelly, Holt Jeffrey R, Griffith Andrew J, Kachar Bechara
TMC1 and TMC2 Localize at the Site of Mechanotransduction in Mammalian Inner Ear Hair Cell Stereocilia
2015 ;12 (10) :1606 -1617
Yang Hee Kyung, Hwang Jeong-Min, Choi Byung Yoon, Kim Jae Hyoung, Koo Ja-Won, Chang Mun Young
CHARGE syndrome with oculomotor nerve palsy
2015 ;19 (6) :555 -557
Choi Jin Woong, Min ByungJoo, Kim AhReum, Koo Ja-Won, Kim Chong-Sun, Park Woong-Yang, Chung Juyong, Kim Veronica, Ryu Yoon-Jong, Kim Shin Hye, Chang Sun-O, Oh Seung-Ha, Choi Byung Yoon
De novo large genomic deletions involving POU3F4 in incomplete partition type III inner ear anomaly in East Asian populations and implications for genetic counseling
2015 ;36 (1) :184 -190
Choi Jin Woong, Kang Seong Il, Rhee Ji Hye, Choi Byung Yoon, Kim Ji-Soo, Koo Ja-Won
Erratum to: Clinical implication of ocular torsion in peripheral vestibulopathy
2015 ;272 (7)
Chang Mun Young, Choi Byung Yoon
Strategy for the customized mass screening of genetic sensorineural hearing loss in koreans
Korean J Audiol
2014 ;18 (2) :45 -49
Chung Juyong, Park Sang Min, Chang Sun O, Chung Taesu, Lee Kyoung Yeul, Kim Ah Reum, Park Joo Hyun, Kim Veronica, Park Woong-Yang, Oh Seung-Ha, Kim Dongsup, Park Woo Jin, Choi Byung Yoon
A novel mutation of TMPRSS3 related to milder auditory phenotype in Korean postlingual deafness: a possible future implication for a personalized auditory rehabilitation
2014 ;92 (6) :651 -663
Ito Taku, Li Xiangming, Kurima Kiyoto, Choi Byung Yoon, Wangemann Philine, Griffith Andrew J
Slc26a4-insufficiency causes fluctuating hearing loss and stria vascularis dysfunction
2014 ;66 (1) :53 -65
Jin Young Ju, Park Jaehong, Kim Ah Reum, Rah Yoon Chan, Choi Byung Yoon
Identification of a novel splice site variant of OTOF in the Korean nonsyndromic hearing loss population with low prevalence of the OTOF mutations
2014 ;78 (7) :1030 -1035
Kim Jiwoong, Kim Namshin, Oh Seung-Ha, Choi Byung Yoon, Chung Juyong, Kim Ah Reum, Mun Sue Jean, Kang Seong Il, Lee Sang-Heon
Whole-exome sequencing identifies a novel genotype-phenotype correlation in the entactin domain of the known deafness gene TECTA
2014 ;9 (5)
Jang Jeong Hun, Jung Jinsei, Kim Ah Reum, Cho Young Mi, Kim Min Young, Lee Sang Yeon, Choi Jae Young, Lee Jun Ho, Choi Byung Yoon
Identification of novel functional null allele of SLC26A4 associated with enlarged vestibular aqueduct and its possible implication
2014 ;19 (5) :319 -326
Park Joo Hyun, Kim Nayoung K D, Park Woong-Yang, Kim Ah Reum, Rhee Jihye, Oh Seung Ha, Koo Ja-Won, Nam Jae-Yong, Choi Byung Yoon
Exploration of molecular genetic etiology for Korean cochlear implantees with severe to profound hearing loss and its implication
2014 ;9
Cho Sung-Woo, Kang Seong Il, Park Sung Joon, Kim Ah Reum, Koo Ja Won, Kim Chong Sun, Lee Jun Ho, Chang Sun O, Oh Seung-Ha, Choi Byung Yoon
Clinical characteristics of patients with narrow bony cochlear nerve canal: is the bilateral case just a duplicate of the unilateral case?
2013 ;123 (8) :1996 -2000
Choi Byung Yoon, Park Gibeom, Gim Jungsoo, Kim Ah Reum, Kim Bong-Jik, Kim Hyo-Sang, Park Joo Hyun, Park Taesung, Oh Seung-Ha, Han Kyu-Hee, Park Woong-Yang
Diagnostic application of targeted resequencing for familial nonsyndromic hearing loss
2013 ;8 (8)
Kim So Young, Park Gibeom, Han Kyu-Hee, Kim Ahreum, Koo Ja-Won, Chang Sun O, Oh Seung Ha, Park Woong-Yang, Choi Byung Yoon
Prevalence of p.V37I variant of GJB2 in mild or moderate hearing loss in a pediatric population and the interpretation of its pathogenicity
2013 ;8 (4)
Park Gibeom, Gim Jungsoo, Kim Ah Reum, Han Kyu-Hee, Kim Hyo-Sang, Oh Seung-Ha, Park Taesung, Park Woong-Yang, Choi Byung Yoon
Multiphasic analysis of whole exome sequencing data identifies a novel mutation of ACTG1 in a nonsyndromic hearing loss family
2013 ;14 (2)
Choi Byung Yoon, An Yong-Hwi, Park Joo Hyun, Jang Jeong Hun, Chung Hyun Chung, Kim Ah-Reum, Lee Jun Ho, Kim Chong-Sun, Oh Seung Ha, Chang Sun O
Audiological and surgical evidence for the presence of a third window effect for the conductive hearing loss in DFNX2 deafness irrespective of types of mutations
2013 ;270 (12) :3057 -3062
Kim Chang-Hee, Lee Jun Ho, Kim Hye-Young, Lee Ho Sun, Choi Byung Yoon, Chang Sun O, Oh Seung-Ha
Dopamine increases Na+ absorption in the Reissner's membrane of the gerbil cochlea
2013 ;40 (3) :266 -272
Choi Byung Yoon, Kim Do-Hwan, Chung Taesu, Chang Mi, Kim Eun-Hye, Kim Ah Reum, Seok Jungirl, Chang Sun O, Bok Jinwoong, Kim Dongsup, Oh Seung-Ha, Park Woong-Yang
Destabilization and mislocalization of POU3F4 by C-terminal frameshift truncation and extension mutation
2013 ;34 (2) :309 -316
최병윤, 안재철, 김신혜
A Case with the Bilateral Narrow Bony Cochlear Nerve Canals Associated with Near Normal Hearing Thresholds
Korean J Audiol
2012 ;16 :1 -4
최병윤, 김봉직
Application of Next Generation Sequencing Upon
Korean J Audiol
2012 ;16 :1 -5
Kim Young Ho, Park Kyung Tae, Choi Byung Yoon, Park Min Hyun, Lee Jun Ho, Oh Seung-Ha, Chang Sun O
Early combination treatment with intratympanic steroid injection in severe to profound sudden sensorineural hearing loss improves speech discrimination performance
2012 ;269 (10) :2173 -2178
Rachel Rivka A, May-Simera Helen L, Swaroop Anand, Veleri Shobi, Gotoh Norimoto, Choi Byung Yoon, Murga-Zamalloa Carlos, McIntyre Jeremy C, Marek Jonah, Lopez Irma, Hackett Alice N, Zhang Jun, Brooks Matthew, den Hollander Anneke I, Beales Philip L, Li Tiansen, Jacobson Samuel G, Sood Raman, Martens Jeffrey R, Liu Paul, Friedman Thomas B, Khanna Hemant, Koenekoop Robert K, Kelley Matthew W
Combining Cep290 and Mkks ciliopathy alleles in mice rescues sensory defects and restores ciliogenesis
2012 ;122 (4) :1233 -1245
최병윤, Saima Riazuddin, Zubair M.Ahmed, Rashmi S Hegde
Variable expressivity of FGF3 mutations associated with deafness and LAMM syndrome
2011 ;12 (21)
최병윤, 김소영, 구자원
Atlantoaxial Rotary Subluxation After Tympanoplasty
2011 ;32 (7) :1108 -1110
최병윤, Griffith AJ, 이규엽, 김형미, Ito T
Mouse model of enlarged vestibular aqueducts defines temporal requirement of Slc26a4 expression for hearing acquisition
2011 ;121 (11) :4516 -4525
최병윤, It0 T, Griffith AJ
SLC26A4 Genotypes and Phenotypes Associated with Enlargement of the Vestibular Aqueduct
2011 ;28 (3) :545 -552
최병윤, 김영호 , 장선오
Early combination treatment with intratympanic steroid injection in severe to profound sudden sensorineural hearing loss improves speech discrimination performance.
최병윤, 송재진, 장선오, 장현
Partial ossicular replacement versus type II tympanoplasty in congenital aural atresia surgery: a matched group study
2009 ;30 (5) :609 -613
최병윤, 오승하, Stewart, A
Efficient molecular genetic diagnosis of enlarged vestibular aqueducts in East Asians
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최병윤, Friedman, T, Ahmed, Z
identities and frequencies of mutations of the otoferlin gene (OTOF) causing DFNB9 deafness in Pakistan
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최병윤, Griffith, AJ, Stewart, A
Hypo-functional SLC26A4 variants associated with nonsyndromic hearing loss and enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct: genotype-phenotype correlation or coincidental polymorphisms?
2009 ;30 (4) :599 -608
최병윤, Griffith, AJ, Madeo, AC
Segregation of enlarged vestibular aqueducts in families with non-diagnostic SLC26A4 genotypes
2009 ;46 (12) :856 -861
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