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Hae Chan Park, Hyojin Kim, Ji-Yeong Kim, Hye-Yeon Lee, Jinyi Lee, WonJae Cha, Soon-Hyun Ahn, Woo-Jin Jeong
PSMD1 as a prognostic marker and potential target in oropharyngeal cancer.
BMC Cancer
2023 ;23 (1) :1242 -1242
Gene Huh, Jae Hyeok Chang, Jung Woo Lee, Hyoseok Seo, Woo-Jin Jeong, Wonjae Cha
Revisiting Lore's retrograde thyroidectomy from the perspective of preserving the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve.
Gland Surg
2023 ;12 (7) :928 -939
Se In Jeong, Woochul Kim, Hyeong Won Yu, June Young Choi, Chang Ho Ahn, Jae Hoon Moon, Sang Il Choi, Wonjae Cha, Woo-Jin Jeong, So Yeon Park, Hee Young Na
Incidence and Clinicopathological Features of Differentiated High-Grade Thyroid Carcinomas: An Institutional Experience.
Endocr Pathol
2023 ;34 (3) :287 -297
Do Won Kim, Hanju Lee, Jeong-Yeon Ji, Ramla Talib Mohammad, Gene Huh, Woo-Jin Jeong, Wonjae Cha
Superior Laryngeal Nerve Block in Transcutaneous Vocal Fold Injection: A Pilot Study.
J Voice
Bo Ri Kim, Soon Hyo Kwon, Jee Woo Kim, Woo-Jin Jeong, Wonjae Cha, Young Ho Jung, Jung-Im Na, Chang-Hun Huh, Jung-Won Shin
Early Postoperative Injections of Polydeoxyribonucleotide Prevent Hypertrophic Scarring After Thyroidectomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle)
2023 ;12 (7) :361 -370
Jee-Hye Choi, Hyeong Won Yu, Ja Kyung Lee, Woochul Kim, June Young Choi, Hee Young Na, So Yeon Park, Chang Ho Ahn, Jae Hoon Moon, Sang Il Choi, Ho-Young Lee, Won Woo Lee, Wonjae Cha, Woo-Jin Jeong
BRAFV600E and TERT promoter C228T mutations on ThyroSeq v3 analysis of delayed skin metastasis from papillary thyroid cancer: a case report and literature review.
World J Surg Oncol
2023 ;21 (1) :49 -49
Jung Bin Park, Hong-Gyun Wu, Jin Ho Kim, Joo Ho Lee, Soon-Hyun Ahn, Eun-Jae Chung, Keun-Yong Eom, Woo-Jin Jeong, Tack-Kyun Kwon, Suzy Kim, Chan Woo Wee
Adjuvant radiotherapy in node-negative salivary malignancies of the parotid gland: A multi-institutional analysis.
Radiother Oncol
2023 ;183 :109554 -109554
Seung Hoon Han, Jeong-Yeon Ji, Wonjae Cha, Woo-Jin Jeong
Cumulative sum analysis of the learning curve for robotic retroauricular thyroidectomy.
Gland Surg
2023 ;12 (1) :30 -38
Chan Woo Wee, Hyo-Jung Lee, Jae-Ryun Lee, Hyejin Lee, Min-Jeong Kwoen, Woo-Jin Jeong, Keun-Yong Eom
Effect of National Oral Health Screening Program on the Risk of Head and Neck Cancer: A Korean National Population-Based Study.
Cancer Res Treat
2022 ;54 (3) :709 -718
Doh Young Lee, Tack-Kyun Kwon, Woo-Jin Jeong, Eun-Jae Chung, Soon-Hyun Ahn, Myung-Whun Sung, Seong Keun Kwon, J Hun Hah
The Expression of Defensin-Associated Genes May Be Correlated With Lymph Node Metastasis of Early-Stage Tongue Cancer.
Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol
2022 ;15 (4) :372 -379
Young Dong Kim, Cheol Min Shin, Woo-Jin Jeong, Yang Jin Kim, Hyuk Yoon, Young Soo Park, Nayoung Kim, Dong Ho Lee
Clinical Implications of the Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Questionnaire and Reflux Symptom Index in Patients With Suspected Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Symptoms.
J Neurogastroenterol Motil
2022 ;28 (4) :599 -607
Eun Kyung Lee, Jae Hoon Moon, Yul Hwangbo, Chang Hwan Ryu, Sun Wook Cho, June Young Choi, Eun-Jae Chung, Woo-Jin Jeong, Yuh-Seog Jung, Junsun Ryu, Su-Jin Kim, Min Joo Kim, Yeo Koon Kim, Chang Yoon Lee, Ji Ye Lee, Hyeong Won Yu, Jeong Hun Hah, Kyu Eun Lee, You Jin Lee, Sue K Park, Do Joon Park, Ji-Hoon Kim, Young Joo Park
Progression of Low-Risk Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma During Active Surveillance: Interim Analysis of a Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study of Active Surveillance on Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma in Korea.
2022 ;32 (11) :1328 -1336
Hyojin Kim, Shin Eun, Woo-Jin Jeong, Soon-Hyun Ahn, Yun Jung Bae, Joong Seob Lee, Heejin Kim
Identification of differentially expressed microRNAs as potential biomarkers for carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma.
Sci Rep
2022 ;12 (1) :13383 -13383
Yul Hwangbo, June Young Choi, Eun Kyung Lee, Chang Hwan Ryu, Sun Wook Cho, Eun-Jae Chung, Jeong Hun Hah, Woo-Jin Jeong, Sue K Park, Yuh-Seog Jung, Ji-Hoon Kim, Min Joo Kim, Su-Jin Kim, Yeo Koon Kim, Chang Yoon Lee, Ji Ye Lee, You Jin Lee, Hyeong Won Yu, Do Joon Park, Junsun Ryu, Young Joo Park, Kyu Eun Lee, Jae Hoon Moon
A Cross-Sectional Survey of Patient Treatment Choice in a Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study on Active Surveillance of Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma (MAeSTro).
2022 ;32 (7) :772 -780
Gene Huh, Pil Geun Jang, Seung Hoon Han, Ramla Talib Mohammad, Woo Jin Jeong, Wonjae Cha
Real-Time Light-Guided Vocal Fold Injection via the Cricothyroid Membrane in Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis: A Human Pilot Study.
Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol
2022 ;15 (3) :264 -272
Hanaro Park, Woo-Jin Jeong, Young Ho Jung, Myung-Whun Sung, Soon-Hyun Ahn, Sungjun Han
Oncological Outcomes after Pulmonary Metastasectomy for Head and Neck Squamous-Cell Carcinoma and Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma.
ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec
2022 ;84 (5) :387 -395
Young Hak Park, Woo-Jin Jeong, Wonjae Cha, Sung Joon Park
Prolonged persistence of hyaluronic acid after suboptimal vocal fold injection.
Ear Nose Throat J
2022 :1455613221082619 -1455613221082619
Ramla Mohammad, Gene Huh, Wonjae Cha, Woo-Jin Jeong
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Paralysis Following Thyroidectomy: Analysis of Factors Affecting Nerve Recovery.
2022 ;132 (8) :1692 -1696
Jungeun Lim, Kidong Kim, Minseok Song, Sooyoung Yoo, Hyunyoung Baek, Seok Kim, Somin Park, Woo-Jin Jeong
Assessment of the feasibility of developing a clinical pathway using a clinical order log.
J Biomed Inform
2022 ;128 :104038 -104038
Seung Hoon Han, Deuktae Cho, Ramla Mohammad, Young Ho Jung, Soon-Hyun Ahn, Wonjae Cha, Woo-Jin Jeong
Use of the comprehensive geriatric assessment for the prediction of postoperative complications in elderly patients with head and neck cancer.
Head Neck
2022 ;44 (3) :672 -680
Dong-Yun Kim, Hong-Gyun Wu, Jin Ho Kim, Joo Ho Lee, Soon-Hyun Ahn, Eun-Jae Chung, Keun-Yong Eom, Young Ho Jung, Woo-Jin Jeong, Tack-Kyun Kwon, Suzy Kim, Chan Woo Wee
Radiotherapy versus Surgery in Early-Stage HPV-Positive Oropharyngeal Cancer.
Cancer Res Treat
2022 ;54 (2) :406 -416
Jia Kim, Hyo-Seok Seo, Han-Seul Na, Hee Young Son, Dong Kun Lee, Woo-Jin Jeong, Wonjae Cha
Real-time light-guided vocal fold injection as a simulation-based training tool.
Auris Nasus Larynx
2021 ;48 (1) :124 -130
Hanaro Park, Sungjun Han, Sung Joon Park, Young Ho Jung, Soon-Hyun Ahn, Woo-Jin Jeong
Oncological outcomes of preoperatively unexpected malignant tumors of the parotid gland.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
2021 ;278 (6) :2033 -2040
Jae Hoon Moon, Chang Hwan Ryu, Sun Wook Cho, June Young Choi, Eun-Jae Chung, Jeong Hun Hah, Yul Hwangbo, Woo-Jin Jeong, Yuh-Seog Jung, Ji-Hoon Kim, Min Joo Kim, Su-Jin Kim, Yeo Koon Kim, Chang Yoon Lee, Eun Kyung Lee, Ji Ye Lee, Kyu Eun Lee, You Jin Lee, Yumi Lee, Hyeong Won Yu, Do Joon Park, Junsun Ryu, Young Joo Park
Effect of Initial Treatment Choice on 2-year Quality of Life in Patients with Low-risk Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab
2021 ;106 (3) :724 -735
Jun-Ook Park, Young Min Park, Woo-Jin Jeong, Yoo Seob Shin, Yong Tae Hong, Ik Joon Choi, Ji Won Kim, Seung Hoon Woo, Yeon Soo Kim, Jae Won Chang, Min-Sik Kim, Kwang-Yoon Jung, Soon-Hyun Ahn, Chul-Ho Kim, Ki Hwan Hong, Phil-Sang Chung, Young-Mo Kim, Se-Heon Kim, Seung-Kuk Baek
Survival Benefits From Surgery for Stage IVa Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Multi-institutional Analysis of 1,033 Cases.
Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol
2021 ;14 (2) :225 -234
Yun Jung Bae, Tae Eun Kim, Byung Se Choi, Woo-Jin Jeong, Se Jin Cho, Sung Hyun Baik, Leonard Sunwoo, Jae Hyoung Kim
Comprehensive assessments of the open mouth dynamic maneuver and metal artifact reduction algorithm on computed tomography images of the oral cavity and oropharynx.
PLoS One
2021 ;16 (3) :e0248696 -e0248696
Kyu Hye Choi, Jin Ho Song, Yeon-Sil Kim, Ji-Hoon Kim, Woo-Jin Jeong, Inn-Chul Nam, Jin Ho Kim, Hee Kyung Ahn, Sang Hoon Chun, Hyun Jun Hong, Young-Hoon Joo, Young-Gyu Eun, Sung Ho Moon, Jeongshim Lee
Recent Treatment Patterns of Oropharyngeal Cancer in Korea Based on the Expert Questionnaire Survey of the Korean Society for Head and Neck Oncology (KSHNO).
Cancer Res Treat
2021 ;53 (4) :1004 -1014
Gene Huh, Jae-Cheul Ahn, Wonjae Cha, Woo-Jin Jeong
Can the height of the parotid tumor be a predictor of malignancy?
Gland Surg
2021 ;10 (2) :721 -728
Boeun Lee, Yun Jung Bae, Woo-Jin Jeong, Hyojin Kim, Byung Se Choi, Jae Hyoung Kim
Temporalis muscle thickness as an indicator of sarcopenia predicts progression-free survival in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2021 ;11 (1) :19717 -19717
Hye In Lee, Jin Ho Kim, Soon-Hyun Ahn, Eun-Jae Chung, Bhumsuk Keam, Keun-Yong Eom, Woo-Jin Jeong, Ji-Won Kim, Chan Woo Wee, Hong-Gyun Wu
Re-irradiation for recurrent or second primary head and neck cancer.
Radiat Oncol J
2021 ;39 (4) :279 -287
Chan Woo Wee, Hyo-Jung Lee, Jae-Ryun Lee, Hyejin Lee, Min-Jeong Kwoen, Woo-Jin Jeong, Keun-Yong Eom
Effect of National Oral Health Screening Program on the Risk of Head and Neck Cancer: A Korean National Population-Based.
Cancer Res Treat
Heejin Kim, Joo Yeon Choi, Yoon Chan Rah, Jae-Cheul Ahn, Hyunchul Kim, Woo-Jin Jeong, Soon-Hyun Ahn
ErbB3, a possible prognostic factor of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol
2020 ;129 (4) :377 -387
Yuju Seo, Sun-A Han, Young Kang, Young Ho Jung, Soon-Hyun Ahn, Woo-Jin Jeong
The Usefulness of Medial Sural Artery Perforator Free Flap for Head and Neck Reconstruction
Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg
Bo Hae Kim, Wook Jang, Sang Woo Kim, Woo-jin Jeong
A Case of Proliferative Myositis Arising from the Sternocleidomastoid Muscles: Diagnosis and Treatment
Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg
Heejin Kim, Joo Yeon Choi, Yoon Chan Rah, Jae-Cheul Ahn
Coexistent Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma and Its Anaplastic Transformation in Cervical Lymph Node Metastasis
Int J Thyroidol
Doh Young Lee, Jeong-Yeon Chi, Jungirl Seok, Sungjun Han, Min-Hyung Lee, Woo-Jin Jeong, Young Ho Jung
Feasibility of Brachial Plexus Schwannoma Enucleation With Intraoperative Neuromonitoring.
Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol
2020 ;13 (2) :203 -208
Soohyeon Kwon, Soon-Hyun Ahn, Woo-Jin Jeong, Young Ho Jung, Yun Jung Bae, Jin Ho Paik, Jin-Haeng Chung, Hyojin Kim
Estrogen receptor α as a predictive biomarker for survival in human papillomavirus-positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
J Transl Med
2020 ;18 (1) :240 -240
Jungirl Seok, June Young Choi, Hyeong Won Yu, Young Ho Jung, Soon-Hyun Ahn, Woo-Jin Jeong
Papillary Thyroid Cancers of the Thyroid Isthmus: The Pattern of Nodal Metastasis and the Significance of Extrathyroidal Extension.
Ann Surg Oncol
2020 ;27 (6) :1937 -1944
Jungirl Seok, Woo-Jin Jeong
ASO Author Reflections: Characteristics of Papillary Thyroid Cancer of Thyroid Isthmus and Clinical Implications of Its Extrathyroidal Extension.
Ann Surg Oncol
2020 ;27 (6) :1945 -1946
Korean Bronchoesophagological Society Guideline Task Force, Inn-Chul Nam, Yoo Seob Shin, Woo-Jin Jeong, Min Woo Park, Seong Yong Park, Chang Myeon Song, Young Chan Lee, Jae Hyun Jeon, Jongmin Lee, Chang Hyun Kang, Il-Seok Park, Kwhanmien Kim, Dong Il Sun
Guidelines for Tracheostomy From the Korean Bronchoesophagological Society.
Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol
2020 ;13 (4) :361 -375
Hee Young Na, Jae Hoon Moon, June Young Choi, Hyeong Won Yu, Woo-Jin Jeong, Yeo Koon Kim, Ji-Young Choe, So Yeon Park
Preoperative diagnostic categories of fine needle aspiration cytology for histologically proven thyroid follicular adenoma and carcinoma, and Hurthle cell adenoma and carcinoma: Analysis of cause of under- or misdiagnoses.
PLoS One
2020 ;15 (11) :e0241597 -e0241597
Hee Young Son, Sanghoon Kim, Ramla Talib Mohammad, Gene Huh, Hyojin Kim, Woo-Jin Jeong, Wonjae Cha
Real-Time Light-Guided Vocal Fold Injection: An In Vivo Feasibility Study in a Canine Model.
Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol
2020 ;14 (3) :338 -346
Y J Kim, W-J Jeong, Y J Bae, H Kim, B S Choi, Y H Jung, S H Baik, L Sunwoo, J H Kim
MRI-Based Assessment of the Pharyngeal Constrictor Muscle as a Predictor of Surgical Margin after Transoral Robotic Surgery in HPV-Positive Tonsillar Cancer.
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol
2020 ;41 (12) :2320 -2326
Park Seul Gi, Lee Hyunju, Kim Hyojin, Paik Jin Ho, Park Kyoung Un, Park Jeong Su, Jeong Woo Jin, Jung Young Ho, Na Jung Im, Sung Ki Hyuk, Kim Ji Young, Lee Heeyoung
Cluster of Lymphadenitis due to Nontuberculous Mycobacterium in Children and Adolescents 8-15 Years of Age
2019 ;34 (46)
Park Jung Hyun, Choi Byung Se, Jung Young Ho, Jeong Woo-Jin, Sunwoo Leonard, Jung Cheolkyu, Kim Jae Hyoung, Kim Hyojin, Bae Yun Jung
Texture Analysis of Multi-Shot Echo-planar Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: The Diagnostic Value for Nodal Metastasis
2019 ;8 (11)
Na Hee Young, Park So Yeon, Woo Ji Won, Moon Jae Hoon, Choi June Young, Jeong Woo-Jin, Kim Yeo Koon, Choe Ji-Young
Preoperative Diagnostic Categories of Noninvasive Follicular Thyroid Neoplasm with Papillary-Like Nuclear Features in Thyroid Core Needle Biopsy and Its Impact on Risk of Malignancy
2019 ;30 (4) :329 -339
Jeong Woo-Jin, 안순현
Changes in immune markers in tumor-free lymph node and peripheral blood of malignant head and neck cancer patients
Seok Jungirl, Lee Doh Young, Kim Won Shik, Jeong Woo-Jin, Chung Eun-Jae, Jung Young Ho, Kwon Seong Keun, Kwon Tack-Kyun, Sung Myung-Whun, Ahn Soon-Hyun
Lung metastasis in adenoid cystic carcinoma of the head and neck
2019 ;41 (11) :3976 -3983
Lee Minhyung, Rhee Jihye, Kim Yoonjoong, Jung Young Ho, Ahn Soon-Hyun, Jeong Woo-Jin
Perioperative risk factors for post-thyroidectomy hematoma: Significance of pain and ketorolac usage
2019 ;41 (10) :3656 -3660
Seok Jungirl, Hyun Se Jin, Jeong Woo-Jin, Ahn Soon-Hyun, Kim Hyojin, Jung Young Ho
The Difference in the Clinical Features Between Carcinoma ex Pleomorphic Adenoma and Pleomorphic Adenoma
2019 ;98 (8) :504 -509
Seok Jungirl, Jeong Woo-Jin, Ahn Soon-Hyun, Jung Young Ho
The growth rate and the positive prediction of needle biopsy of clinically diagnosed Warthin's tumor
2019 ;276 (7) :2091 -2096
Kong Sung Hye, Park Young Joo, Ryu Junsun, Kim Min Joo, Cho Sun Wook, Song Young Shin, Yi Ka Hee, Park Do Joon, Hwangbo Yul, Lee You Jin, Lee Kyu Eun, Kim Su-Jin, Jeong Woo-Jin, Chung Eun-Jae, Hah Jeong Hun, Choi June Young, Ryu Chang Hwan, Jung Yuh-Seog, Moon Jae Hoon, Lee Eun Kyung
Longitudinal Assessment of Quality of Life According to Treatment Options in Low-Risk Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma Patients: Active Surveillance or Immediate Surgery (Interim Analysis of MAeSTro)
2019 ;29 (8) :1089 -1096
Lee Se-Hoon, Keam Bhumsuk, Lee Keun-Wook, Kim Jin-Soo, Kim Jin Ho, Wu Hong-Gyun, Eom Keun-Yong, Kim Suzy, Ahn Soon-Hyun, Chung Eun-Jae, Kwon Seong Keun, Jeong Woo-Jin, Jung Young Ho, Kim Ji-Won, Heo Dae Seog
A Phase II Study of Genexol-PM and Cisplatin as Induction Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
2019 ;24 (6) :751 -e231
Chung Eun-Jae, Ahn Soon-Hyun, Rho Young-Soo, Jeong Woo-Jin, Jung Young Ho, Kwon Seong Keun, Kwon Tack-Kyun, Sung Myung-Whun, Keam Bhumsuk, Heo Dae-Seog, Kim Jin Ho, Wu Hong-Gyun, Lee Keun-Wook, Eom Keun-Yong
Long-term oncological and functional outcomes of induction chemotherapy followed by (chemo)radiotherapy vs definitive chemoradiotherapy vs surgery-based therapy in locally advanced stage III/IV hypopharyngeal cancer: Multicenter review of 266 cases
2019 ;89 :84 -94
Choi Byung Se, Jeong Woo-Jin, Jung Young Ho, Park Jung Hyun, Sunwoo Leonard, Jung Cheolkyu, Kim Jae Hyoung, Bae Yun Jung
Amide Proton Transfer-weighted MRI in the Diagnosis of Major Salivary Gland Tumors
2019 ;9 (1)
Jeong Woo-Jin, 박성준
Conservative Surgical Treatment of Benign Parotid Tumors: Extracapsular Dissection
Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg
2019 ;62 (6) :317 -322
Jeong Woo-Jin, 강영, 안순현
Primary Treatment and Survival Outcomes in Oropharyngeal Cancer
Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg
2019 ;62 (1) :49 -56
Jeong Woo-Jin, 김진일
Cervical lymph node metastasis from non-head & neck sites: below diaphragm
Korean J Head Neck Oncol
2018 ;34 (2) :17 -22
Kim Bo Hae, Park Sung Joon, Jeong Woo-Jin, Ahn Soon-Hyun
Comparison of Treatment Outcomes for T3 Glottic Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Meta-Analysis
2018 ;11 (1) :1 -8
Kim Ji Hoon, Lee Eun Kyung, Lee Kyu Eun, Kong Sung Hye, Park Young Joo, Moon Jae Hoon, Kim Yeo Koon, Jung Woo Jin, Lee Chang Yoon, Yoo Roh Eul, Hwangbo Yul, Song Young Shin, Kim Min Joo, Cho Sun Wook, Kim Su Jin, Jung Eun Jae, Choi June Young, Ryu Chang Hwan, Lee You Jin, Hah Jeong Hun, Jung Yuh Seog, Ryu Junsun, Hwang Yunji, Park Sue K, Sung Ho Kyung, Yi Ka Hee, Park Do Joon
Study Protocol of Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study of Active Surveillance on Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma (MAeSTro)
Endocrinol Metab (Seoul)
2018 ;33 (2) :278 -286
Kim Suzy, Oh Sowon, Jung Young Ho, Kim Jin Soo, Kim Yu Kyeong, Kim Kwang Hyun, Oh Do Hoon, Lee Dong-Han, Jeong Woo-Jin
Prognostic value of FDG PET/CT during radiotherapy in head and neck cancer patients
Radiat Oncol J
2018 ;36 (2) :95 -102
Paik Jin Ho, Kim Hyojin, Yang Jeong Mi, Ahn Soon-Hyun, Jeong Woo-Jin, Chung Jin-Haeng
Potential Oncogenic Role and Prognostic Implication of MicroRNA-155-5p in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
2018 ;38 (9) :5193 -5200
Moon Jae Hoon, Park Young Joo, Kim Ji Hoon, Lee Eun Kyung, Lee Kyu Eun, Kong Sung Hye, Kim Yeo Koon, Jeong Woo Jin, Lee Chang Yoon, Yoo Roh Eul, Hwangbo Yul, Song Young Shin, Kim Min Joo, Cho Sun Wook, Kim Su Jin, Chung Eun Jae, Choi June Young, Ryu Chang Hwan, Lee You Jin, Hah Jeong Hun, Jung Yuh Seog, Ryu Junsun, Hwang Yunji, Park Sue K, Sung Ho Kyung, Yi Ka Hee, Park Do Joon
Corrigendum: Author's Name Correction. Study Protocol of Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study of Active Surveillance on Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma (MAeSTro)
Endocrinol Metab (Seoul)
2018 ;33 (3)
Park Sung Joon, Han Sungjun, Lee Hyo-Jung, Ahn Soon-Hyun, Jeong Woo-Jin
Preservation of Salivary Function Following Extracapsular Dissection for Tumors of the Parotid Gland
2018 ;76 (9) :2004 -2010
Kim Bo Hae, Jeon Yung Jin, Jin Young Ju, Jeong Woo-Jin, Park Sung Joon, Ahn Soon-Hyun
Conservative treatment for cutaneous fistula resulted from abscess formation in patients with tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis
2018 ;45 (5) :1061 -1065
Rah Yoon Chan, Ahn Soon-Hyun, Ahn Jae-Cheul, Jeon Eun-Hui, Kim Hyojin, Paik Jin Ho, Jeong Woo-Jin, Kwon Soon-Young
Low expression of CD40L in tumor-free lymph node of oral cavity cancer related with poor prognosis
2018 ;23 (5) :851 -859
Kim Seong Dong, Han Seung Hoon, Jeong Woo-Jin, Kim Hyojin, Ahn Soon Hyun
Differences in Clinical Features Between Subcategories of Atypia/Follicular Lesion of Undetermined Significance
2017 ;28 (3) :247 -252
Ahn Hyein, Paik Jin Ho, Yang Jeong Mi, Kim Hyojin, Chung Jin-Haeng, Ahn Soon-Hyun, Jeong Woo-Jin
Clinicopathologic implications of the miR-197/PD-L1 axis in oral squamous cell carcinoma
2017 ;8 (39) :66178 -66194
Ahn Soon-Hyun, Kim Seong Dong, Jeong Woo-Jin
Comparison of risk of malignancy in a subgroup with atypia of undetermined significance/follicular lesion of undetermined significance: A meta-analysis
2017 ;39 (8) :1699 -1710
Park Sung Joon, Jeong Woo-Jin, Ahn Soon-Hyun
Scapular tip and latissimus dorsi osteomyogenous free flap for the reconstruction of a maxillectomy defect: A?minimally invasive transaxillary approach
2017 ;70 (11) :1571 -1576
Choi E S, Oh A Y, Koo B W, Hwang J W, Han J W, Seo K S, Ahn S H, Jeong W J
Comparison of reversal with neostigmine of low-dose rocuronium vs. reversal with sugammadex of high-dose rocuronium for a short procedure
2017 ;72 (10) :1185 -1190
Lim Yun-Sung, Cha Wonjae, Park Min-Woo, Jeong Woo-Jin, Ahn Soon-Hyun
HIF1α in Tumorigenesis of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
2017 ;37 (2) :599 -606
Choi Eun-Su, Jeong Woo-Jin, Ahn Soon-Hyun, Oh Ah-Young, Jeon Young-Tae, Do Sang-Hwan
Magnesium sulfate accelerates the onset of low-dose rocuronium in patients undergoing laryngeal microsurgery
2017 ;36 :102 -106
Jin Young Ju, Jeong Woo-Jin, Paik Jin Ho, Ahn Soon-Hyun
Role of Frozen Biopsy in Glottic Premalignant Lesions
2017 ;23 (3) :519 -523
Park Seok-Woo, Hah J Hun, Oh Sang-Mi, Jeong Woo-Jin, Sung Myung-Whun
5-lipoxygenase mediates docosahexaenoyl ethanolamide and N-arachidonoyl-L-alanine-induced reactive oxygen species production and inhibition of proliferation of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells
2016 ;16
Moon Jae Hoon, Choi June Young, Jeong Woo-Jin, Ahn Soon-Hyun, Lee Won Woo, Kim Kyoung Min, Choi Sung Hee, Lim Soo, Park Young Joo, Yi Ka Hee, Park Do Joon, Jang Hak Chul
Recombinant human thyrotropin-stimulated thyroglobulin level at the time of radioactive iodine ablation is an independent prognostic marker of differentiated thyroid carcinoma in the setting of prophylactic central neck dissection
2016 ;85 (3) :459 -465
Im Mi-Hyang, Jung Kyuwhan, Hwang Jeong-Min, Oh Ah-Young, Park Moon Seok, Jeong Woo-Jin, Kim Seong-Chan, Jung Sun-Woo, Sohn Hyejin, Yoon Mi-Ok, Jang Mi-Suk, Moon Suk-Bae
Reliability and validity of Korean version of modified: Yale preoperative anxiety scale
2016 ;90 (1) :43 -48
Jeong Woo-Jin, 박하나로, 안순현
Analysis of Relationship between Burning Mouth Syndrome and Abnormality of Serum Examination
Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg
Kim Heejin, Jin Young Ju, Cha Wonjae, Jeong Woo-Jin, Ahn Soon-Hyun
Feasibility of super-selective neck dissection for indeterminate lateral neck nodes in papillary thyroid carcinoma
Jeong Woo-Jin, Park Sung Joon, Cha Wonjae, Sung Myung-Whun, Kim Kwang Hyun, Ahn Soon-Hyun
Fine needle aspiration of parotid tumors: diagnostic utility from a clinical perspective
2013 ;71 (7) :1278 -1282
Cha Wonjae, Jeong Woo-Jin, Ahn Soon-Hyun
Latissimus dorsi muscle free flap revisited: a novel endoscope-assisted approach
2013 ;123 (3) :613 -617
Jeong Woo-Jin, 성명훈
CXCR4 Antagonist Inhibits Perineural Invasion of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma in Preclinical Murine Model
Jeong Woo-Jin, 김소영, 안순현
Gasless Endoscopic Thyroidectomy via Single Incision Axillary Approach
Korean J Head Neck Oncol
2012 ;28 (2) :114 -117
정우진, 이상연, 안순현
Paraganglioma of the Thyroid Gland Mimicking Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
2012 ;28 (2) :149 -152
정우진, 황희, 유수영
Pitfalls and Security Measures for the Mobile EMR System in Medical Facilities
2012 ;18 (2) :125 -135
Chang M Y, Rogers S N, Lowe D, Jeong W-J, Cha W, Park K T, Kim D W, Chang H, Sung M-W, Kim K H, Kwon T-K
The Korean version of the University of Washington Quality of Life Questionnaire for Patients with head and neck cancer, and its use in an initial validation study of 56 patients
2012 ;41 (10) :1201 -1205
Ahn Soon-Hyun, Park Min-Woo, Park Sung Joon, Jeong Woo-Jin
Initial work-up for cervical lymphadenopathy: back to basics
2012 ;269 (10) :2255 -2263
Jeong Woo-Jin, Kim Heejin, Ahn Jae-Cheul, Sung Myung-Whun, Kim Kwang Hyun, Ahn Soon-Hyun
Serial endoscopic analysis of the glottis following laser cordectomy: from an oncological perspective
2012 ;27 (5) :1025 -1031
Mo Ji-Hun, Choi Ik J, Jeong Woo-Jin, Jeon Eun-Hui, Ahn Soon-Hyun
HIF-1α and HSP90: target molecules selected from a tumorigenic papillary thyroid carcinoma cell line
2012 ;103 (3) :464 -471
Jeong Woo-Jin, Paik Jin Ho, Cho Sung-Woo, Sung Myung-Whun, Kim Kwang Hyun, Ahn Soon-Hyun
Excisional biopsy for management of lateral tongue leukoplakia
2012 ;41 (5) :384 -388
정우진, 박석우, 성명훈
The influence of cyclooxygenase-1 expression on the efficacy of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines
2011 ;22 (5) :416 -423
정우진, 박석우, 성명훈
The effects of the stromal cell-derived cyclooxygenase-2 metabolite PGE2 on proliferation of colon cancer cells
2011 ;336 (2) :516 -523
정우진, 이재서
Eosinophilic allergic polyp: a clinically oriented concept of nasal polyp.
2011 ;144 (2) :241 -6
정우진, 안순현
Sunitinib inhibits papillary thyroid carcinoma with RET/PTC rearrangement but not BRAF mutation
2011 ;12 (5) :458 -465
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