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간세포가 파괴되어 염증이 발생한 상태를 말합니다.
간염은 지속 기간에 따라 6개월 이내에 정상으로 회복되는 급성 간염과 6개월 이상 지속되는 만성 간염으로 나누어집니다.
또한, 원인에 따라 바이러스성 간염(A형, B형, C형 등), 알코올성 간염, 약제 유발 간염, 자가면역성 간염 등 여러 종류로 분류합니다.
간염의 증상은 매우 다양합니다. 급성 간염의 경우 피곤함, 식욕감소, 황달, 발열 등으로 나타날 수 있고, 만성 간염으로 피로나 황달을 호소하는 경우도 있지만 증상이 없는 경우가 대부분입니다.
급성 간염은 대부분 충분한 안정을 통하여 회복되지만, 만성 간염은 원인 및 지속기간, 현재 질환 상태에 따라 치료 방법이 달라질 수 있기 때문에, 먼저 혈액 검사를 통해 원인 질환을 가능한 한 정확히 진단해야 합니다.
만성 간염에 의해 염증이 반복되면서 간 조직이 섬유화되어 굳어진 상태로, 간경화라고도 합니다.
간경변증 초기에는 아무런 증상을 느끼지 못하는 경우가 대부분입니다. 간경변증이 진행되어 간기능이 상당 부분 감소하면 다리가 붓거나 복부 팽만감을 느끼는 경우가 있고, 황달이 발생하기도 하며 피를 토하거나 흑변을 보기도 하는 등 다양한 증상이 발생합니다.
만성 간염 시기에 염증이 더 이상 심해지지 않도록 조절하여 간기능을 보존하는 것이 가장 중요한 예방법입니다. 이미 간경변증이 발생하였다면 원인 질환에 따라 더 이상 간세포가 파괴되는 것을 막고, 복수, 황달, 정맥류로 인한 출혈 예방 등의 치료가 필요합니다.
간에 발생하는 악성 종양을 말합니다. 그러나 간에서발견되는 악성 종양은 간 자체에서 발생하는 간세포암종이나 간내 담관암, 다른 장기에서 발생하여 간에 퍼진 전이성 암 등 여러 종류가 있습니다.
간암은 심지어 상당히 진행하여도 별다른 증상이 없는 경우가 많습니다. 따라서 간암의 위험인자 (만성 B형 및 C형 간염, 알코올성 간염, 간경변증 등)을 가지고 있는 사람은 증상이 없어도 6개월마다 혈액과 복부초음파 검사를 통한 정기 검진을 받는 것이 매우 중요합니다. 대부분 건강검진이나 정기 검사에서 우연히 발견되고, 오른쪽 윗배의 통증이나 덩어리, 황달이 발생하기도 합니다.
일반적으로 간암의 위험 인자가 있는지에 대한 혈액 검사와 혈액 간암 표지자 (알파태아단백), 복부 전산화단층촬영 (CT) 혹은 자기공명검사 (MRI), 간동맥혈관조영술 결과 등을 필요에 따라 시행하고 그 결과를 종합하여 진단합니다. 이러한 검사들에서 전형적인 결과를 보이지 않는 경우에는 조직검사를 시행하기도 합니다.
간암의 치료에서 가장 중요한 것은 진단 시점에서 환자의 전체적인 간기능입니다. 또한 간암의 개수, 위치 등에 따라 같은 간기능을 가지고 있더라도 다른 치료 방법을 이용하게 됩니다. 환자의 상태를 고려하여 수술, 고주파 소작술, 경동맥화학색전술, 경피적 에탄올 주입법, 방사선 치료, 전신 항암요법이나 표적치료제, 간이식 등 여러 치료 방법 중 가장 적합한 것을 결정하게 됩니다.
Kyung-Ah Kim, Sejoon Lee, Hye Jung Park, Eun Sun Jang, Youn Jae Lee, Sung Bum Cho, Young Seok Kim, In Hee Kim, Byung Seok Lee, Woo Jin Chung, Sang Hoon Ahn, Seungtaek Kim, Sook Hyang Jeong
Erratum to 'Next-generation sequencing analysis of hepatitis C virus resistance-associated substitutions in directacting antiviral failure in South Korea' [Clin Mol Hepatol 2023;29:496-509].
Clin Mol Hepatol
2023 ;29 (3) :830 -830
Kyung-Ah Kim, Sejoon Lee, Hye Jung Park, Eun Sun Jang, Youn Jae Lee, Sung Bum Cho, Young Suk Kim, In Hee Kim, Byung Seok Lee, Woo Jin Chung, Sang Hoon Ahn, Seungtaek Kim, Sook Hyang Jeong
Next-generation sequencing analysis of hepatitis C virus resistance-associated substitutions in direct-acting antiviral failure in South Korea.
Clin Mol Hepatol
2023 ;29 (2) :496 -509
Seung Bum Park, Mohsin Khan, Sai Chaitanya Chiliveri, Xin Hu, Parker Irvin, Madeleine Leek, Ailis Grieshaber, Zongyi Hu, Eun Sun Jang, Ad Bax, T Jake Liang
SARS-CoV-2 omicron variants harbor spike protein mutations responsible for their attenuated fusogenic phenotype.
Commun Biol
2023 ;6 (1) :556 -556
Chang Hun Lee, Gwang Hyeon Choi, Hwa Young Choi, Sojung Han, Eun Sun Jang, Young Eun Chon, Young Chang, Kyung-Ah Kim, Do Young Kim, Hyung Joon Yim, Hye-Lin Kim, Sook-Hyang Jeong, In Hee Kim
Core indicators related to the elimination of hepatitis B and C virus infection in South Korea: A nationwide study.
Clin Mol Hepatol
2023 ;29 (3) :779 -793
Kyung-Ah Kim, Hwa Young Choi, Moran Ki, Eun Sun Jang, Sook-Hyang Jeong
Epidemiological trends and outcomes of primary biliary cholangitis in South Korea between 2009 and 2019.
J Gastroenterol
2023 ;58 (7) :682 -692
Eun Sun Jang, Gwang Hyeon Choi, Young Seok Kim, In Hee Kim, Youn Jae Lee, Sung Beom Cho, Yun-Tae Kim, Sook-Hyang Jeong
Prevalence, incidence, and outcomes of hepatitis E virus coinfection in patients with chronic hepatitis C.
Sci Rep
2023 ;13 (1) :13632 -13632
Chan Young Jeong, Gwang Hyeon Choi, Eun Sun Jang, Young Seok Kim, Youn-Jae Lee, In Hee Kim, Sung Bum Cho, Jae Hyun Yoon, Kyung-Ah Kim, Dae Hee Choi, Woo Jin Chung, Hyun-Jin Cho, Seong Kyun Na, Yun-Tae Kim, Byung Seok Lee, Sook-Hyang Jeong
Etiology and clinical characteristics of acute viral hepatitis in South Korea during 2020-2021: a prospective multicenter study.
Sci Rep
2023 ;13 (1) :14271 -14271
Gi Chan Park, Jung Wha Chung, Eun Sun Jang, Jin-Wook Kim
Association between adverse outcomes of hepatitis A and acetaminophen use: A population-based cohort study.
Dig Liver Dis
2023 ;55 (10) :1368 -1374
Young Cheol Shin, Eun Ju Cho, Hee Young Na, Jai Young Cho, Ho-Seong Han, Yoon Jin Lee, Haeryoung Kim, Sangmi Jang, Gwang Hyeon Choi, Eun Sun Jang, Jin-Wook Kim, Sook-Hyang Jeong
Hepatic hemangioma: proportion and predictor of surgical treatment with emphasis on its growth rate.
Korean J Intern Med
2023 ;38 (6) :818 -830
Eunju Kim, Hyun Woong Lee, Soon Sun Kim, Eileen Yoon, Eun Sun Jang, Jong-In Chang, Young Youn Cho, Gi Hyeon Seo, Hyung Joon Kim
Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate versus tenofovir alafenamide on risk of osteoporotic fracture in patients with chronic hepatitis B: A nationwide claims study in South Korea.
Aliment Pharmacol Ther
2023 ;58 (11-12) :1185 -1193
Hwi Young Kim, Pietro Lampertico, Joon Yeul Nam, Hyung-Chul Lee, Seung Up Kim, Dong Hyun Sinn, Yeon Seok Seo, Han Ah Lee, Soo Young Park, Young-Suk Lim, Eun Sun Jang, Eileen L Yoon, Hyoung Su Kim, Sung Eun Kim, Sang Bong Ahn, Jae-Jun Shim, Soung Won Jeong, Yong Jin Jung, Joo Hyun Sohn, Yong Kyun Cho, Dae Won Jun, George N Dalekos, Ramazan Idilman, Vana Sypsa, Thomas Berg, Maria Buti, Jose Luis Calleja, John Goulis, Spilios Manolakopoulos, Harry L A Janssen, Myoung-Jin Jang, Yun Bin Lee, Yoon Jun Kim, Jung-Hwan Yoon, George V Papatheodoridis, Jeong-Hoon Lee
An artificial intelligence model to predict hepatocellular carcinoma risk in Korean and Caucasian patients with chronic hepatitis B.
J Hepatol
2022 ;76 (2) :311 -318
Kyunghan Lee, Gwang Hyeon Choi, Eun Sun Jang, Sook-Hyang Jeong, Jin-Wook Kim
A scoring system for predicting hepatocellular carcinoma risk in alcoholic cirrhosis.
Sci Rep
2022 ;12 (1) :1717 -1717
Won Joon Choi, Gi-Ae Kim, Jaewon Park, Sangmi Jang, Woo Jin Jung, Jae-Jun Shim, Yewan Park, Gwang Hyeon Choi, Jin-Wook Kim, Sook-Hyang Jeong, Eun Sun Jang
Incidence and Pattern of Aminotransferase Elevation During Anti-Hypertensive Therapy With Angiotensin-II Receptor Blockers.
J Korean Med Sci
2022 ;37 (33) :e255 -e255
Sang-Won Han, Young Ho Park, Eun Sun Jang, Kwangsik Nho, SangYun Kim
Implications of Liver Enzymes in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease.
J Alzheimers Dis
2022 ;88 (4) :1371 -1376
Si Ho Kim, Eun Ju Cho, Boo-Ok Jang, Kyunghan Lee, Jae Kyun Choi, Gwang Hyeon Choi, Jeong-Hoon Lee, Su Jong Yu, Yoon Jun Kim, Yun Bin Lee, Jeong-Hwan Yoon, Jin-Wook Kim, Sook-Hyang Jeong, Eun Sun Jang
Comparison of biochemical response during antiviral treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis B infection.
Liver Int
2022 ;42 (2) :320 -329
Woo Jin Jung, Sangmi Jang, Won Joon Choi, Jaewon Park, Gwang Hyeon Choi, Eun Sun Jang, Sook-Hyang Jeong, Won Seok Choi, Jae Hwan Lee, Chang Jin Yoon, Jin-Wook Kim
Metformin administration is associated with enhanced response to transarterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma in type 2 diabetes patients.
Sci Rep
2022 ;12 (1) :14482 -14482
Gwang Hyeon Choi, Eun Sun Jang, Young Seok Kim, Youn Jae Lee, In Hee Kim, Sung Bum Cho, Han Chu Lee, Jeong Won Jang, Moran Ki, Hwa Young Choi, Dahye Baik, Sook-Hyang Jeong
Hepatocellular carcinoma, decompensation, and mortality based on hepatitis C treatment: A prospective cohort study.
World J Gastroenterol
2022 ;28 (30) :4182 -4200
Hye-Lin Kim, Kyung-Ah Kim, Gwang Hyun Choi, Eun Sun Jang, Moran Ki, Hwa Young Choi, Sook-Hyang Jeong
A cost-effectiveness study of universal screening for hepatitis C virus infection in South Korea: A societal perspective.
Clin Mol Hepatol
2022 ;28 (1) :91 -104
In-Ae Song, Eun Sun Jang, Tak Kyu Oh
Validation of Dynamic Aspartate-to-Alanine Aminotransferase Ratio for Predicting Liver Disease Mortality.
Hepatol Commun
2022 ;6 (4) :740 -749
Sangmi Jang, Gwang Hyeon Choi, Won Chang, Eun Sun Jang, Jin-Wook Kim, Sook-Hyang Jeong
Elevated alpha-fetoprotein in asymptomatic adults: Clinical features, outcome, and association with body composition.
PLoS One
2022 ;17 (7) :e0271407 -e0271407
Sin Young Ham, Hyungul Jung, Kyoung-Ho Song, Hyeonju Jeong, Jongtak Jung, Song Mi Moon, Jeong Su Park, Nak-Hyun Kim, Eun Sun Jang, Jin-Wook Kim, Sook-Hyang Jeong, Eu Suk Kim, Hong Bin Kim
Interspecies differences in clinical characteristics and risk factors for third-generation cephalosporin resistance between Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae bloodstream infection in patients with liver cirrhosis.
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis
2022 ;41 (12) :1459 -1465
Choong Hee Kim, Gwang Hyeon Choi, Hee Young Na, Chang Jin Yoon, Jai Young Cho, Sangmi Jang, Ji Hye Kim, Eun Sun Jang, Jin-Wook Kim, Sook-Hyang Jeong
Hepatocellular carcinoma with Budd-Chiari syndrome due to membranous obstruction of the inferior vena cava with long-term follow-up: a case report.
J Liver Cancer
2022 ;22 (2) :194 -201
Kyung-Ah Kim, Young Seok Kim, Sang Hoon Park, Woo Jin Chung, Dae Hee Choi, Eun Sun Jang, Sook-Hyang Jeong
Environmental risk factors and comorbidities of primary biliary cholangitis in Korea: a case-control study.
Korean J Intern Med
2021 ;36 (2) :313 -321
JangEun Sun, KimKyung-Ah, KimYoung Seok, KimIn Hee, LeeByung Seok, LeeYoun Jae, ChungWoo Jin, JeongSook-Hyang
Effectiveness and safety of elbasvir/grazoprevir in Korean patients with hepatitis C virus infection: a nationwide real-world study.
Korean J Intern Med
2021 ;36 (Suppl 1) :S1 -S8
ChungJung Wha, ChoiHwa Young, KiMoran, JangEun Sun, JeongSook-Hyang
Comorbidities and Prescribed Medications in Korean Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C: A Nationwide, Population-Based Study.
Gut Liver
2021 ;15 (2) :295 -306
Eun Sun Jang, Sung Ho Hwang, Jin Wook Kim, Sook Hyang Jeong
Effectiveness of 4-Week Oral Taurine Treatment for Muscle Cramps in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis: A Single-Arm Pilot Study.
Yonsei Med J
2021 ;62 (1) :21 -28
Namkyu Kang, Jung Wha Chung, Eun Sun Jang, Sook-Hyang Jeong, Jin-Wook Kim
Computed Tomography-Measured Liver Volume Predicts the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Development in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients.
Dig Dis Sci
2021 ;66 (12) :4536 -4544
Tak Kyu Oh, Eun Sun Jang, In-Ae Song
Long-term mortality due to infection associated with elevated liver enzymes: a population-based cohort study.
Sci Rep
2021 ;11 (1) :12490 -12490
ChoYoung Youn, YuSu Jong, LeeHye Won, KimDo Young, KangWonseok, PaikYong-Han, SungPil Soo, BaeSi Hyun, ParkSu Cheol, DohYoung Seok, KimKang Mo, JangEun Sun, KimIn Hee, KimWon, KimYoon Jun
Clinical Characteristics of Long-Term Survivors After Sorafenib Treatment for Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Korean National Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study.
J Hepatocell Carcinoma
2021 ;8 :613 -623
Gwang Hyeon Choi, Eun Sun Jang, Jin-Wook Kim, Sook-Hyang Jeong
Prognostic role of plasma level of angiopoietin-1, angiopoietin-2, and vascular endothelial growth factor in hepatocellular carcinoma.
World J Gastroenterol
2021 ;27 (27) :4453 -4467
Eun Sun Jang, Seon Mee Park, Young Sook Park, Jong Chan Lee, Nayoung Kim
Work-Life Conflict and Its Health Effects on Korean Gastroenterologists According to Age and Sex.
Dig Dis Sci
2020 ;65 (1) :86 -95
Eun Sun Jang, Kyung-Ah Kim, Young Seok Kim, In Hee Kim, Byung Seok Lee, Youn Jae Lee, Woo Jin Chung, Sook-Hyang Jeong
Real-Life Effectiveness and Safety of Sofosbuvir-Based Therapy in Genotype 2 Chronic Hepatitis C Patients in South Korea, with Emphasis on the Ribavirin Dose.
Gut Liver
2020 ;14 (6) :775 -782
Gwang Hyeon Choi, Eun Sun Jang, Jin-Wook Kim, Sook-Hyang Jeong
A Survey of the Knowledge of and Testing Rate for Hepatitis C in the General Population in South Korea.
Gut Liver
2020 ;14 (6) :808 -816
Ingyoon Ha, Jung Wha Chung, Eun Sun Jang, Sook-Hyang Jeong, Jin-Wook Kim
Comparison of the on-treatment risks for hepatocellular carcinoma between entecavir and tenofovir: A propensity score matching analysis.
J Gastroenterol Hepatol
2020 ;35 (10) :1774 -1781
Jae Kyun Choi, Soomin Ahn, Jai Young Cho, YoungRok Choi, Ho-Seong Han, Boo-Ok Jang, Gwang Hyeon Choi, Eun Sun Jang, Jin-Wook Kim, Sook-Hyang Jeong
A case of acute liver failure due to hepatitis E virus, liver transplantation, and development of de novo autoimmune hepatitis.
Transpl Infect Dis
2020 ;22 (3) :e13287 -e13287
Kanghyug Choi, Hee Yoon Jang, Joong Mo Ahn, Sung Ho Hwang, Jung Wha Chung, Yun Suk Choi, Jin-Wook Kim, Eun Sun Jang, Gwang Hyeon Choi, Sook-Hyang Jeong
The association of the serum levels of myostatin, follistatin, and interleukin-6 with sarcopenia, and their impacts on survival in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.
Clin Mol Hepatol
2020 ;26 (4) :492 -505
Young-Sun Lee, Young K Jung, Ji H Kim, Sung B Cho, Do Y Kim, Moon Y Kim, Hyung J Kim, Yeon S Seo, Ki T Yoon, Young M Hong, Jeong-Hoon Lee, Hyun W Lee, Hyung J Yim, Byoung K Jang, Eun S Jang, Jae Y Jang, Sang Y Hwang
Effect of urea cream on sorafenib-associated hand-foot skin reaction in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: A multicenter, randomised, double-blind controlled study.
Eur J Cancer
2020 ;140 :19 -27
Joon Yeul Nam, Dong Hyun Sinn, Junho Bae, Eun Sun Jang, Jin-Wook Kim, Sook-Hyang Jeong
Deep learning model for prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with HBV-related cirrhosis on antiviral therapy.
2020 ;2 (6) :100175 -100175
Joon Yeul Nam, Eun Sun Jang, Young Seok Kim, Youn Jae Lee, In Hee Kim, Sung Bum Cho, Han Chu Lee, Si Hyun Bae, Moran Ki, Hwa Young Choi, Eun Young Lee, Sook-Hyang Jeong
Epidemiological and Clinical Characteristics of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in South Korea from 2007 to 2017: A Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study.
Gut Liver
2020 ;14 (2) :207 -217
Lee Boram, Choi YoungRok, Han Ho-Seong, Yoon Yoo-Seok, Cho Jai Young, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Kim Jin-Wook, Jang Eun Sun, Ahn Soomin
ABO-incompatible liver transplantation using only rituximab for patients with low anti-ABO antibody titer
Ann Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg
2019 ;23 (3) :211 -218
Moon In Young, Kim Jin-Wook, Choi Jae Hee, Chung Jung Wha, Jang Eun Sun, Jeong Sook-Hyang
MicroRNA?20 induces methylation of hepatitis B virus covalently closed circular DNA in human hepatoma cells
2019 ;20 (3) :2285 -2293
Jang Eun Sun, Ki Moran, Choi Hwa Young, Kim Kyung-Ah, Jeong Sook-Hyang,
The change in the nationwide seroprevalence of hepatitis C virus and the status of linkage to care in South Korea from 2009 to 2015
2019 ;13 (5) :599 -608
Jang Eun Sun, Kim Kyung-Ah, Kim Young Seok, Kim In Hee, Lee Byung Seok, Lee Youn Jae, Chung Woo Jin, Jeong Sook-Hyang
Real-life effectiveness and safety of the daclatasvir/asunaprevir combination therapy for genotype 1b chronic hepatitis C patients: An emphasis on the pretreatment NS5A resistance-associated substitution test
2019 ;91 (12) :2158 -2165
Chung Wankyo, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Kim Kyung-Ah, Jang Eun Sun, Ki Moran, Choi Hwa Young
Cost-effectiveness of sofosbuvir plus ribavirin therapy for hepatitis C virus genotype 2 infection in South Korea
2019 ;34 (4) :776 -783
Park Dong Won, Jang Eun Sun, Lee Yoon Jin, Chang Won, Park Ji Hoon, Lee Kyoung Ho, Kim Young Hoon, Kang Nam Kyu, Chung Jung Wha, Jang Hee Yoon, Ahn Soomin, Kim Haeryoung, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Kim Jin-Wook
Diagnostic performance of a point shear wave elastography (pSWE) for hepatic fibrosis in patients with autoimmune liver disease
2019 ;14 (3)
Kim Won, Jeong Dongjae, Chung Jungwha, Lee Donghyeon, Joo Saekyoung, Jang Eun Sun, Choi Yoon Jin, Yoon Hyuk, Shin Cheol Min, Park Young Soo, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Kim Nayoung, Lee Dong Ho, Kim Jin-Wook
Development of colorectal cancer predicts increased risk of subsequent hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with alcoholic liver disease: case-control and cohort study
2019 ;9 (1)
Kim Beom Hee, Chung Jung Wha, Lee Chung Seop, Jang Eun Sun, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Kim Nayoung, Kim Jin-Wook
Liver volume index predicts the risk of esophageal variceal hemorrhage in cirrhotic patients on propranolol prophylaxis
2019 ;34 (6) :1233 -1243
Im Sanghyuk, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Jang Eun Sun, Lee Ju Hyun, Lee Chung Seop, Kim Beom Hee, Chung Jung Wha, Kim Jin-Wook
Surveillance Rate and its Impact on Survival of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients in South Korea: A Cohort Study
2019 ;51 (4) :1357 -1369
Kim Kyung-Ah, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Chung Wankyo, Choi Hwa Young, Ki Moran, Jang Eun Sun
Cost-effectiveness and health-related outcomes of screening for hepatitis C in Korean population
2019 ;39 (1) :60 -69
Lee Chung Seop, Kim Jin-Wook, Jung Yong Jin, Kim Soon Sun, Cheong Jae Youn, Lee Ga Ram, Kim Han Gyeol, Kim Beom Hee, Chung Jung Wha, Jang Eun Sun, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Lee Kyung Ho
Liver volume-based prediction model stratifies risks for hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic hepatitis B patients on surveillance
2018 ;13 (1)
Lee Yangkyu, Park Hyunjin, Lee Hyejung, Cho Jai Young, Yoon Yoo-Seok, Choi Young-Rok, Han Ho-Seong, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Jin-Wook, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Ahn Soomin, Kim Haeryoung
The Clinicopathological and Prognostic Significance of the Gross Classification of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
J Pathol Transl Med
2018 ;52 (2) :85 -92
Chung Jung Wha, Shin Eun, Kim Haeryoung, Han Ho-Seong, Cho Jai Young, Choi Young Rok, Hong Sukho, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Jin-Wook, Jeong Sook-Hyang
Hepatic iron overload in the portal tract predicts poor survival in hepatocellular carcinoma after curative resection
2018 ;38 (5) :903 -914
Lee Ju Hyun, Yoon Chang Jin, Kim Young Hoon, Han Ho-Seong, Cho Jai Young, Kim Haeryoung, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Jin-Wook, Jeong Sook-Hyang
Living-donor liver transplantation for giant hepatic hemangioma with diffuse hemangiomatosis in an adult: a case report
Clin Mol Hepatol
2018 ;24 (2) :163 -168
Jeong Sook-Hyang, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Young Seok, Kim Kyung-Ah, Lee Youn Jae, Chung Woo Jin, Kim In Hee, Lee Byung Seok
Factors Associated with Health-Related Quality of Life in Korean Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Infection Using the SF-36 and EQ-5D
2018 ;12 (4) :440 -448
Lee Chan Hyung, Yoon Hyuk, Choi Yoon Jin, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Jaihwan, Shin Cheol Min, Park Young Soo, Hwang Jin-Hyeok, Kim Jin-Wook, Jeong Sook-Hayng, Kim Nayoung, Lee Dong Ho, Kim Joo Sung
Predictive factors of therapeutic intervention in on-call endoscopy for suspected gastrointestinal bleeding
2018 ;53 (8) :958 -963
Lee Jong-Chan, Kim Jaihwan, Kim Joo Seong, Kim Hyoung Woo, Cho In Kuk, Lee Jongchan, Jang Eun Sun, Lee Sang Hyub, Hwang Jin-Hyeok, Kim Jin-Wook, Jeong Sook-Hyang
Outcome of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in patients with clinically defined decompensated liver cirrhosis
2018 ;19 (10) :605 -613
Kim Sung-Eun, Jang Eun Sun, Ki Moran, Gwak Geum-Youn, Kim Kyung-Ah, Kim Gi-Ae, Kim Do Young, Kim Dong Joon, Kim Man Woo, Kim Yun Soo, Kim Young Seok, Kim In Hee, Kim Chang Wook, Kim Ho Dong, Kim Hyung Joon, Park Neung Hwa, Baik Soon Koo, Suh Jeong Ill, Song Byung-Cheol, Song Il Han, Yeon Jong Eun, Lee Byung Seok, Lee Youn Jae, Jung Young Kul, Chung Woo Jin, Cho Sung Bum, Cho Eun-Young, Cho Hyun Chin, Cheon Gab Jin, Chae Hee Bok, Choi DaeHee, Choi Sung-Kyu, Choi Hwa Young, Tak Won Young, Heo Jeong, Jeong Sook-Hyang
Chronic Hepatitis B Infection Is Significantly Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease: a Population-based, Matched Case-control Study
2018 ;33 (42)
Jeong Sook-Hyang, Ki Moran, Jang Eun Sun, Choi Hwa Young, Kim Kyung-Ah, Chung Wankyo
Current status of hepatitis C virus infection and countermeasures in South Korea
Epidemiol Health
2017 ;39
Kim Bo Hyun, Choi Hwa Young, Ki Moran, Kim Kyung-Ah, Jang Eun Sun, Jeong Sook-Hyang
Population-based prevalence, incidence, and disease burden of autoimmune hepatitis in South Korea
2017 ;12 (8)
Jeon Yejoo, Choi Yun Suk, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Jin Wook, Jeong Sook-Hyang
Persistent α-Fetoprotein Elevation in Healthy Adults and Mutational Analysis of α-Fetoprotein Promoter, Enhancer, and Silencer Regions
2017 ;11 (1) :136 -141
Baeg Joo Yeong, Kim In Hee, Seo Seung Young, Kim Young Seok, Jung Eun Uk, Cho Junhyeon, Chung Jung Wha, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Jin Wook, Jeong Sook-Hyang
Prevalence and Incidence of Depression during Interferon-Based Antiviral Therapy in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients in the Republic of Korea
2017 ;11 (3) :426 -433
Kim Beom Kyung, Kim Do Young, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Jeong Han, Park Soo Young, Ahn Song Vogue, Kim Hyung Joon
Current status of and strategies for hepatitis C control in South Korea
Clin Mol Hepatol
2017 ;23 (3) :212 -218
Lee Ju Hyun, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Cho Junhyeon, Kim Yung Jung, Im Sang Hyuk, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Jin-Wook, Kim Hong Bin
Occupational blood exposures in health care workers: incidence, characteristics, and transmission of bloodborne pathogens in South Korea
2017 ;17 (1)
Ki Moran, Choi Hwa Young, Kim Kyung-Ah, Jang Eun Sun, Jeong Sook-Hyang
Healthcare Costs for Chronic Hepatitis C in South Korea from 2009 to 2013: An Analysis of the National Health Insurance Claims' Data
2017 ;11 (6) :835 -842
Chung Jung Wha, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Shin Eun, Kim Haeryoung, Han Ho-Seong, Cho Jai Young, Choi Young Rok, Hong Sukho, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Jin-Wook
Hepatic iron overload in the portal tract predicts poor survival in hepatocellular carcinoma after curative resection
Liver Int.
Jang Eun Sun, Kim Young Seok, Kim Kyung-Ah, Lee Youn Jae, Chung Woo Jin, Kim In Hee, Lee Byung Seok, Jeong Sook-Hyang
Final Report of Unmet Needs of Interferon-Based Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C in Korea: Basis for Moving into the Direct-Acting Antiviral Era
2017 ;11 (4) :543 -550
Cho Junhyeon, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Lee Sang Soo, Choi Yun Suk, Jeon Yejoo, Chung Jung Wha, Baeg Joo Yeong, Si Won Keun, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Jin-Wook
Occult hepatitis B virus infection is not associated with disease progression of chronic hepatitis C virus infection
2016 ;22 (42) :9427 -9436
Kim Jong-Min, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Jang Eun Sun, Ok Kyeongsam, Oh Eung Seok, Kim Kyeong Joon, Jeon Beomseok, Jo Hyun Jin, Ki Moran
Association between hepatitis C virus infection and Parkinson's disease
2016 ;31 (10) :1584 -1585
Jeon Yejoo, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Jang Eun Sun, Choi Yun Suk, Kim Jin-Wook
Glypican-3 level assessed by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is inferior to alpha-fetoprotein level for hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis
Clin Mol Hepatol
2016 ;22 (3) :359 -365
Ok Kyeong Sam, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Young Seok, Lee Youn Jae, Kim In Hee, Cho Sung Bum, Bae Si Hyun, Lee Han Chu
The clinical outcomes of chronic hepatitis C in South Korea: A prospective, multicenter cohort study
2016 ;95 (35)
Yoon Hyuk, Lee Dong Ho, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Jaihwan, Shin Cheol Min, Park Young Soo, Hwang Jin-Hyeok, Kim Jin-Wook, Jeong Sook-Hayng, Kim Nayoung
Effects of N-acetylcysteine on First-Line Sequential Therapy for Helicobacter pylori Infection: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial
2016 ;10 (4) :520 -525
Ki Moran, Choi Hwa Young, Kim Kyung-Ah, Kim Bo Hyun, Jang Eun Sun, Jeong Sook-Hyang
Incidence, prevalence and complications of Budd-Chiari syndrome in South Korea: a nationwide, population-based study
2016 ;36 (7) :1067 -1073
Jeon Yejoo, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Kim Haeryoung, Jang Eun Sun, Hong Sukho, Kim Jin Wook, Yoon Yoo-Seok, Cho Jai Young, Han Ho-Seong
Expression profile and prognostic value of glypican-3 in post-operative South Korean hepatocellular carcinoma patients
2016 ;124 (3) :208 -215
Kim K-A, Ki M, Choi H Y, Kim B H, Jang E S, Jeong S-H
Population-based epidemiology of primary biliary cirrhosis in South Korea
2016 ;43 (1) :154 -162
Chung Jung Wha, Lee Dong Ho, Kim Beom Hee, Lee Chung Seop, Kim Gi Hyun, Sohn Hyung Rae, Min Bo Young, Song Joon Chang, Park Hyun Kyung, Jang Eun Sun, Yoon Hyuk, Kim Jaihwan, Shin Cheol Min, Park Young Soo, Hwang Jin-Hyeok, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Kim Nayoung, Lee Jaebong, Ahn Soyeon, Kim Jin-Wook
Optimizing Surveillance Performance of Alpha-Fetoprotein by Selection of Proper Target Population in Chronic Hepatitis B
2016 ;11 (12)
Si Won Keun, Chung Jung Wha, Cho Junhyeon, Baeg Joo Yeong, Jang Eun Sun, Yoon Hyuk, Kim Jaihwan, Shin Cheol Min, Park Young Soo, Hwang Jin-Hyeok, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Kim Nayoung, Lee Dong Ho, Lim Soo, Kim Jin-Wook
Predictors of Increased Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
2016 ;11 (6)
Jeong Sook-Hyang, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Jin-Wook, Choi Yun Suk, Leissner Philippe, Brechot Christian
Diagnostic Performance of Alpha-Fetoprotein, Protein Induced by Vitamin K Absence, Osteopontin, Dickkopf-1 and Its Combinations for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
2016 ;11 (3)
Kim Gi Hyun, Chung Jung Wha, Lee Jong Ho, Ok Kyeong Sam, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Jaihwan, Shin Cheol Min, Park Young Soo, Hwang Jin-Hyeok, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Kim Nayoung, Lee Dong Ho, Kim Jin-Wook
Effect of vitamin E in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with metabolic syndrome: A propensity score-matched cohort study
Clin Mol Hepatol
2015 ;21 (4) :379 -386
Lee Sang Soo, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Young Seok, Lee Youn Jae, Jung Eun Uk, Kim In Hee, Bae Si Hyun, Lee Han Chu, Kee Mee-Kyung, Kang Chun
Prospective cohort study on the outcomes of hepatitis C virus-related cirrhosis in South Korea
2015 ;30 (8) :1281 -1287
Yang Sung Wook, Kim Gi Hyun, Chung Jung Wha, Sohn Hyung Rae, Lee Sang Soo, Hong Sukho, Chung Seong Min, Jang Eun Sun, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Kim Jin-Wook
Prediction of risk for hepatocellular carcinoma by response of serum α-fetoprotein to entecavir therapy
2015 ;30 (7) :1175 -1182
Lee Jong Ho, Hong Sun Pyo, Jang Eun Sun, Park Sang Jong, Hwang Seong Gyu, Kang Sook-Kyoung, Jeong Sook-Hyang
Analysis of HBV genotype, drug resistant mutations, and pre-core/basal core promoter mutations in Korean patients with acute hepatitis B
2015 ;87 (6) :993 -998
Yoon Hyuk, Lee Dong Ho, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Jaihwan, Shin Cheol Min, Park Young Soo, Hwang Jin-Hyeok, Kim Jin-Wook, Jeong Sook-Hayng, Kim Nayoung
Optimal initiation of Helicobacter pylori eradication in patients with peptic ulcer bleeding
2015 ;21 (8) :2497 -2503
Yoo Jeong-Ju, Yoon Jung-Hwan, Lee Jeong-Hoon, Lee Minjong, Lee Dong Hyeon, Cho Yuri, Jang Eun Sun, Cho Eun Ju, Yu Su Jong, Kim Yoon Jun, Lee Hyo-Suk
Hepatitis B virus-related glomerulonephritis: not a predominant cause of proteinuria in korean patients with chronic hepatitis B
2015 ;2015
Yoon Jung-Hwan, Jang Eun Sun, Lee Sung-Hee, Lee Soo-Mi, Lee Jeong-Hoon, Yu Su Jong, Kim Yoon Jun, Lee Hyo-Suk, Kim Chung Yong
Sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide mediates dual actions of deoxycholic acid in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells: enhanced apoptosis versus growth stimulation
2014 ;140 (1) :133 -144
Jang Eun Sun, Kim Ji Won, Jung Yong Jin, Jeong Ji Bong, Kim Byeong Gwan, Lee Kook Lae, Kim Joo Sung, Jung Hyun Chae, Song In Sun
Clinical and endoscopic predictors of colorectal adenoma recurrence after colon polypectomy
2013 ;24 (6) :476 -482
Lee Sang Soo, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Byoun Young-Sang, Chung Seong Min, Seong Mun Hyuk, Sohn Hyung Rae, Min Bo-Young, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Jin-Wook, Park Guan Jung, Lee Yoon Jin, Lee Kyoung Ho, Ahn Soyeon
Clinical features and outcome of cryptogenic hepatocellular carcinoma compared to those of viral and alcoholic hepatocellular carcinoma
2013 ;13
Park Hyun Kyung, Min Bo Young, Kim Nam Young, Jang Eun Sun, Shin Cheol Min, Park Young Soo, Hwang Jin-Hyeok, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Kim Nayoung, Lee Dong Ho, Kim Jin-Wook
Short hairpin RNA induces methylation of hepatitis B virus covalently closed circular DNA in human hepatoma cells
2013 ;436 (2) :152 -155
Jang Eun Sun, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Lee Sang Hyub, Hwang Sung Ho, Ahn So Yeon, Lee Jaebong, Park Young Soo, Hwang Jin Hyoek, Kim Jin-Wook, Kim Nayoung, Lee Dong Ho, Kim Hyun Young
The effect of coffee consumption on the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in hepatitis B virus endemic area
2013 ;33 (7) :1092 -1099
Seong Mun Hyuk, Kil Ho, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Kim Jong Yeop, Lee Sang Soo, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Jin-Wook, Kim Young Seok, Bae Si Hyun, Lee Youn Jae, Lee Han Chu, Yun Haesun, Kang Byung Hak, Kim Kisang
Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of Korean patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 6
Clin Mol Hepatol
2013 ;19 (1) :45 -50
Kim Hyunsoo, Kim Kyunggon, Kim Youngsoo, Yu Su Jong, Jang Eun Sun, Yu Jiyoung, Cho Geunhee, Yoon Jung-Hwan
Development of biomarkers for screening hepatocellular carcinoma using global data mining and multiple reaction monitoring
2013 ;8 (5)
Kwak Min-Sun, Jang Eun Sun, Ryu Ji Kon, Kim Yong-Tae, Yoon Yong Bum, Park Joo Kyung
Risk factors of post endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography bacteremia
2013 ;7 (2) :228 -233
Jung Yong Jin, Kim Jin-Wook, Park Soo Jin, Min Bo Young, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Nam Young, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Shin Cheol Min, Lee Sang Hyub, Park Young Soo, Hwang Jin-Hyeok, Kim Nayoung, Lee Dong Ho
c-Myc-mediated overexpression of miR-17-92 suppresses replication of hepatitis B virus in human hepatoma cells
2013 ;85 (6) :969 -978
Yu Su Jong, Lee Jeong-Hoon, Jang Eun Sun, Cho Eun Ju, Kwak Min-Sun, Yoon Jung-Hwan, Lee Hyo-Suk, Kim Chung Yong, Kim Yoon Jun
Hepatocellular carcinoma: high hepatitis B viral load and mortality in patients treated with transarterial chemoembolization
2013 ;267 (2) :638 -647
Lee Dong Hyeon, Cho Yuri, Seo Ji Yeon, Kwon Jung Hee, Cho Eun Ju, Jang Eun Sun, Kwak Min-Sun, Cheong Jae Youn, Cho Sung Won, Lee Jeong-Hoon, Yu Su Jong, Yoon Jung-Hwan, Lee Hyo-Suk, Kim Chung Yong, Shin Hyoung Doo, Kim Yoon Jun
Polymorphisms near interleukin 28B gene are not associated with hepatitis B virus clearance, hepatitis B e antigen clearance and hepatocellular carcinoma occurrence
2013 ;56 (2) :84 -90
Lim Ji Hyun, Lee Dong Ho, Choi Chiun, Lee Seong Tae, Kim Nayoung, Jeong Sook Hyang, Kim Jin Wook, Hwang Jin Hyeok, Park Young Soo, Lee Sang Hyub, Shin Cheol Min, Jo Hyun Jin, Jang Eun Sun, Song In sung, Jung Hyun Chae
Clinical outcomes of two-week sequential and concomitant therapies for Helicobacter pylori eradication: a randomized pilot study
2013 ;18 (3) :180 -186
Jang Eun Sun, Yoon Jung-Hwan, Chung Jin Wook, Cho Eun Ju, Yu Su Jong, Lee Jeong-Hoon, Kim Yoon Jun, Lee Hyo-Suk, Kim Chung Yong
Survival of infiltrative hepatocellular carcinoma patients with preserved hepatic function after treatment with transarterial chemoembolization
2013 ;139 (4) :635 -643
Min Bo Young, Kim Jin-Wook, Kim Nam Young, Jang Eun Sun, Shin Cheol Min, Lee Sang Hyup, Park Young Soo, Hwang Jin-Hyeok, Jeong Sook-Hyang, Kim Nayoung, Lee Dong Ho
Ethanol potentiates hepatitis B virus replication through oxidative stress-dependent and -independent transcriptional activation
2013 ;431 (1) :92 -97
장은선, 이동현, 오홍상
Pelvic bone fractures mimicking bone metastases in a patient with hepatitis B virus-associated liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma
Korean J Intern Med.
장은선, 이상수, 정숙향
Type and cause of liver disease in Korea: single-center experience, 2005-2010
Clin Mol Hepatol
장은선, 정숙향, 황성호
Effects of coffee, smoking, and alcohol on liver function tests: a comprehensive cross-sectional study
Yu Su Jong, Yoon Jung-Hwan, Yang Jong-In, Cho Eun Ju, Kwak Min Sun, Jang Eun Sun, Lee Jeong-Hoon, Kim Yoon Jun, Lee Hyo-Suk, Kim Chung Yong
Enhancement of hexokinase II inhibitor-induced apoptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma cells via augmenting ER stress and anti-angiogenesis by protein disulfide isomerase inhibition
2012 ;44 (1) :101 -115
Kwak Min-Sun, Lee Jeong-Hoon, Yoon Jung-Hwan, Yu Su Jong, Cho Eun Ju, Jang Eun Sun, Kim Yoon Jun, Lee Hyo-Suk
Risk factors, clinical features, and prognosis of the hepatocellular carcinoma with peritoneal metastasis
2012 ;57 (3) :813 -819
Lee Jeong-Hoon, Yoon Jung-Hwan, Cho Eun Ju, Yang Hyo Joon, Jang Eun Sun, Kwak Min-Sun, Hwang Sang Youn, Yu Su Jong, Lee Chang-Hoon, Kim Yoon Jun, Kim Chung Yong, Lee Hyo-Suk
Simple scoring system predicting genotypic resistance during rescue therapy for Lamivudine-resistant chronic hepatitis B
2012 ;46 (3) :243 -250
장은선, 유수종, 윤정환, 이정훈
Inhibition of hypoxia-inducible carbonic anhydrase-IX enhances hexokinase II inhibitor-induced hepatocellular carcinoma cell apoptosis.
2011 ;32 (7) :912 -920
장은선, 이정훈, 윤정환, 유수종
Mesalamine-induced B7-H1 expression on hepatic stellate cells attenuates autoimmune liver injury.
2011 ;41 (1) :79 -86
장은선, 조은주, 곽민선, 유수종, 이정훈, 김윤준, 윤정환, 이효석
Relative etiological role of prior hepatitis B virus infection and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in the development of non-B non-C hepatocellular carcinoma in a hepatitis B-endemic area
2011 ;84 (suppl 1) :17 -22
장은선, 곽민선, 조은주, 이정훈, 유수종, 김윤준, 윤정환, 이효석
Predictors of HBsAg seroclearance in HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B patients.
2011 ;84 (suppl 1) :23 -28
장은선, 원지언, 정재일, 이상협, 김진욱, 정숙향
The effect of antiviral therapy on serum cholesterol level in chronic hepatitis C
2011 ;5 (3) :356 -362
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82 | 분당서울대병원 블로그 | 혹시 나도 C형간염? 오염된 바늘, 주사기를 조심하세요 ! | 2021-10-21 |
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77 | 청년의사 | "간암 특수성 반영한 급여 확대 절실" | 2021-05-14 |
76 | 헬스경향 | 간성뇌증 환자의 최대 적은 '변비'? | 2021-04-28 |