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Hyun-Jung Shin, Hyo-Seok Na
Sedatives and Postoperative Delirium: Reply.
2023 ;139 (5) :710 -711
Su Yeon Kim, Ha Young Jo, Hyo-Seok Na, Sung-Hee Han, Sang-Hwan Do, Hyun-Jung Shin
The Effect of Peripheral Nerve Block on Postoperative Delirium in Older Adults Undergoing Hip Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.
J Clin Med
2023 ;12 (7)
H-J Shin, S W Nam, B-W Koo, J Kim, J-W Hwang, S-H Do, H-S Na
Rotational thromboelastometry during Cesarean section as a predictive evaluation for the progression of persistent postpartum hemorrhage in parturients with placenta previa: A prospective observational study.
2023 ;9 (2) :e13563 -e13563
Hyun-Jung Shin, Heeyeon Kim, Sung-Hee Han, Sang-Hwan Do, Hyo-Seok Na
Ultrasound assessment of residual gastric volume in older adults undergoing staged-bilateral total knee arthroplasty after consuming carbohydrate-containing fluids: a prospective observational study.
Korean J Anesthesiol
2023 ;76 (2) :128 -134
Hyun-Jung Shin, Ji In Park, Sohyun Lee, Jung-Won Hwang, Hyo-Seok Na
Intraoperative 5-HT3 receptor antagonists decrease the prevalence of postoperative delirium in older adults undergoing hip fracture surgery: a single-center retrospective study.
J Anesth
2023 ;37 (3) :379 -386
Hyo-Seok Na, Su Yeon Kim, Ji In Park, Sohyun Lee, Jung-Won Hwang, Hyun-Jung Shin
The effect of intranasal dexmedetomidine administration on emergence agitation or delirium in pediatric patients after general anesthesia: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Paediatr Anaesth
2023 ;33 (8) :636 -646
Hyo-Seok Na, Chang-Hoon Koo, Bon-Wook Koo, Jung-Hee Ryu, Hayoung Jo, Hyun-Jung Shin
Effect of the Paravertebral Block on Chronic Postsurgical Pain After Thoracic Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.
J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth
2023 ;37 (2) :252 -260
Hyun-Jung Shin, Hyeong Geun Kim, In-Sun Park, Sun Woo Nam, Jin-Hyoung Park, Jung-Won Hwang, Hyo-Seok Na
Change in glottic view during intubation using a KoMAC videolaryngoscope: A retrospective analysis.
Medicine (Baltimore)
2023 ;102 (9) :e33179 -e33179
Su Yeon Kim, Jiyoun Lee, Hyo-Seok Na, Bon-Wook Koo, Keum O Lee, Hyun-Jung Shin
The Impact of Regional Nerve Blocks on Postoperative Delirium or Cognitive Dysfunction following Thoracic Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
J Clin Med
2023 ;12 (24)
Hyun-Jung Shin, Sun Woo Nam, Heeyeon Kim, Subin Yim, Sung-Hee Han, Jung-Won Hwang, Sang-Hwan Do, Hyo-Seok Na
Postoperative Delirium after Dexmedetomidine versus Propofol Sedation in Healthy Older Adults Undergoing Orthopedic Lower Limb Surgery with Spinal Anesthesia: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
2023 ;138 (2) :164 -171
Hyun-Jung Shin, Bon-Wook Koo, Dongsik Lim, Hyo-Seok Na
Ultrasound assessment of gastric volume in older adults after drinking carbohydrate-containing fluids: a prospective, nonrandomized, and noninferiority comparative study.
Can J Anaesth
2022 ;69 (9) :1160 -1166
Hyun-Jung Shin, Bon-Wook Koo, Jiwon Yoon, Heeyeon Kim, Sang-Hwan Do, Hyo-Seok Na
Melatonin reduces the endoplasmic reticulum stress and polyubiquitinated protein accumulation induced by repeated anesthesia exposure in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Sci Rep
2022 ;12 (1) :5783 -5783
Chang-Hoon Koo, Junkyu Kim, Hyo-Seok Na, Jung-Hee Ryu, Hyun-Jung Shin
The effect of lidocaine patch for postoperative pain: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
J Clin Anesth
2022 ;81 :110918 -110918
Chang-Hoon Koo, Hun-Taek Lee, Hyo-Seok Na, Jung-Hee Ryu, Hyun-Jung Shin
Efficacy of Erector Spinae Plane Block for Analgesia in Thoracic Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth
2022 ;36 (5) :1387 -1395
Insun Park, Mincheul Cho, Sun Woo Nam, Jung-Won Hwang, Sang-Hwan Do, Hyo-Seok Na
Total intravenous anesthesia induced and maintained by a combination of remimazolam and remifentanil without a neuromuscular blocking agent: a prospective, observational pilot study.
BMC Anesthesiol
2022 ;22 (1) :237 -237
Hyun-Jung Shin, Jiwon Yoon, Hyo-Seok Na
5-HT<sub>3</sub> receptor antagonists decrease the prevalence of postoperative delirium in older patients undergoing orthopedic lower limb surgery.
Perioper Med (Lond)
2021 ;10 (1) :51 -51
Hye-Min Sohn, Hyo-Seok Na, Dongsik Lim, In Koung Yi, Sun-Woo Nam, Sang-Hwan Do, Jung-Won Hwang
Immediate retrograde amnesia induced by midazolam: A prospective, non-randomised cohort study.
Int J Clin Pract
2021 ;75 (11) :e14402 -e14402
Hyun-Jung Shin, Gihong Boo, Hyo-Seok Na
Effects of dexmedetomidine on blood coagulation: an in vitro study using rotational thromboelastometry.
J Anesth
2021 ;35 (5) :633 -637
Hyun-Jung Shin, Soo Lyoen Choi, Hyo-Seok Na
Prevalence of postoperative delirium with different combinations of intraoperative general anesthetic agents in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: A retrospective propensity-score-matched study.
Medicine (Baltimore)
2021 ;100 (33) :e26992 -e26992
Saeyeon Kim, Hyun-Jung Shin, Sang-Hwan Do, Hyo-Seok Na
Role of Unfolded Protein Response and Endoplasmic Reticulum-Associated Degradation by Repeated Exposure to Inhalation Anesthetics in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Int J Med Sci
2021 ;18 (13) :2890 -2896
Hyo-Seok Na, Dae-Jin Lim, Bon-Wook Koo, Ah-Young Oh, Pyung-Bok Lee
The influence of moderate or deep neuromuscular block status on anesthetic depth monitoring system during total intravenous anesthesia using propofol and remifentanil: A randomized trial.
Sci Prog
2021 ;104 (2) :368504211010629 -368504211010629
Chang-Hoon Koo, Sungmin Ahn, Hyo-Seok Na, Jung-Hee Ryu, Hyun-Jung Shin
Efficacy of quadratus lumborum block for analgesia in adult participants undergoing hip surgery: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
J Clin Anesth
2021 ;75 (0) :110560 -110560
ShinHyun-Jung, Hyun-Jung Shin, Soo-Young Lee, Hyo-Seok Na, Bon-Wook Koo, Sang-Hwan Do
Effects of tranexamic acid on the activity of glutamate transporter EAAT3.
Anesth Pain Med (Seoul)
2020 ;15 (3) :291 -296
Hyun-Jung Shin, Hyo-Seok Na, Sang-Hwan Do
Magnesium and Pain.
2020 ;12 (8)
Bon-Wook Koo, Dae-Jin Lim, Ah-Young Oh, Hyo-Seok Na
Retrospective Comparison between the Effects of Propofol and Inhalation Anesthetics on Postoperative Recurrence of Early- and Intermediate-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Med Princ Pract
2020 ;29 (5) :422 -428
H-Y Park, Y-W Park, J-W Hwang, S-H Do, H-S Na
The influence of preoperative epidural labor analgesia on postoperative pain in parturients undergoing emergency cesarean section : A?retrospective analysis.
2020 ;69 (5) :352 -358
Shin Hyun-Jung, Na Hyo-Seok, Lee Heijin
The effect of a mixture of 2.7% sorbitol-0.54% mannitol solution on blood coagulation: an invitro, observational healthyvolunteer study using rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM)
2019 ;72 (2) :143 -149
Hwang Jung-Won, Do Sang-Hwan, Jeon Young-Tae, Kim Jinhee, Na Hyo-Seok, Oh Tak Kyu
Association of Preoperative Serum Chloride Levels With Mortality and Morbidity After Noncardiac Surgery: A Retrospective Cohort Study
2019 ;129 (6) :1494 -1501
Koo Bon-Wook, Oh Ah-Young, Hwang Jung-Won, Na Hyo-Seok, Min Seong-Won
Comparison of standard versus 90° rotation technique for LMA Flexible™ insertion: a randomized controlled trial
2019 ;19 (1)
Hwang Jung-Won, Shin Hyun-Jung, Na Hyo-Seok, Han Ji-Yun
A Comparison of Hemostatic Properties between Monopolar and Bipolar Hysteroscopic Surgery using Rotational Thromboelastometry: A Randomized Trial
2019 ;84 (6) :568 -574
Oh Tak Kyu, Hwang Jung-Won, Park Jin-Woo, Shin Hyun-Jung, Oh Ah-Young, Na Hyo-Seok
Perioperative sedative use is not associated with acute kidney injury after total hip or knee arthroplasty
2019 ;7 (11)
Kim Jin-Hee, Shin Hyun-Jung, Na Hyo-Seok, Koh Won-Uk, Ro Young-Jin, Lee Jung-Man, Choi Yoon-Ji, Park Seongjoo
Complications in internal jugular vs subclavian ultrasound-guided central venous catheterization: a comparative randomized trial
2019 ;45 (7) :968 -976
Shin Hyun-Jung, Na Hyo-Seok, Do Sang-Hwan, Lee Jae-Sung, Kim Tae-Kyun
Comparison of Intraoperative Sedation With Dexmedetomidine Versus Propofol on Acute Postoperative Pain in Total Knee Arthroplasty Under Spinal Anesthesia: A Randomized Trial
2019 ;129 (6) :1512 -1518
Kim Jin-Hee, Na Hyo-Seok, Shin Hyun-Jung
Choosing the right or left for the subclavian venous cannulation?
2019 ;45 (11)
Oh Tak Kyu, Ji Eunjeong, Na Hyo-Seok
The effect of neuromuscular reversal agent on postoperative pain after laparoscopic gastric cancer surgery: Comparison between the neostigmine and sugammadex
2019 ;98 (26)
Na Hyo-Seok, Do Sang-Hwan, Lee Sue-Young
The effect of repeated isoflurane exposure on serine synthesis pathway during the developmental period in Caenorhabditis elegans
2019 ;71 :132 -137
Oh Ah-Young, Na Hyo-Seok, Ryu Jung-Hee, Koo Bon-Wook, Nam Sun-Woo, Jo Jihoon, Park Jae-Hee
Intraoperative Nefopam Reduces Acute Postoperative Pain after Laparoscopic Gastrectomy: a Prospective, Randomized Study
2018 ;22 (5) :771 -777
Hwang Jung-Won, Oh Tak Kyu, Ji Eunjeong, Na Hyo-Seok, Min Byunghun, Jeon Young-Tae, Do Sang-Hwan, Song In-Ae, Park Hee-Pyoung
C-Reactive Protein to Albumin Ratio Predicts 30-Day and 1-Year Mortality in Postoperative Patients after Admission to the Intensive Care Unit
2018 ;7 (3)
Koo B W, Oh A Y, Na H S, Lee H J, Kang S B, Kim D W, Seo K S
Effects of depth of neuromuscular block on surgical conditions during laparoscopic colorectal surgery: a randomised controlled trial
2018 ;73 (9) :1090 -1096
Shin Hyun-Jung, Do Sang-Hwan, Park Hee-Yeon, Na Hyo-Seok, Hong Jung-Pyo, Lee Gwan-Woo
The effects of Plasma-Lyte 148 solution on blood coagulation: an in-vitro, volunteer study using rotational thromboelastometry
2018 ;29 (5) :446 -450
Shin Hyun-Jung, Min Byung-Hun, Na Hyo-Seok
FIBTEM as a predictor of intra- and postoperative blood loss in revision total hip arthroplasty: A prospective observational study
2018 ;97 (22)
Shin Hyun-Jung, Kim Eun-Young, Hwang Jung-Won, Do Sang-Hwan, Na Hyo-Seok
Comparison of upper airway patency in patients with mild obstructive sleep apnea during dexmedetomidine or propofol sedation: a prospective, randomized, controlled trial
2018 ;18 (1)
Na Hyo-Seok, Oh Tak Kyu, Park In Sun, Ji Eunjeong
Value of preoperative spirometry test in predicting postoperative pulmonary complications in high-risk patients after laparoscopic abdominal surgery
2018 ;13 (12)
Shin Hyun-Jung, Na Hyo-Seok, Jeon Young-Tae, Park Hee-Pyoung, Nam Sun-Woo, Hwang Jung-Won
The impact of irrigating fluid absorption on blood coagulation in patients undergoing transurethral resection of the prostate: A prospective observational study using rotational thromboelastometry
2017 ;96 (2)
Morgan Philip G, Na Hyo-Seok, Brockway Nicole L, Gentry Katherine R, Opheim Elyce, Sedensky Margaret M
The genetics of isoflurane-induced developmental neurotoxicity
2017 ;60 :40 -49
Koo Bon-Wook, Jung Kyu-Whan, Oh Ah-Young, Kim Eun-Young, Na Hyo-Seok, Choi Eun-Su, Seo Kwang-Suk
Is neuromuscular blocker needed in children undergoing inguinal herniorrhaphy?: A prospective, randomized, and controlled trial
2017 ;96 (26)
Shin Hyun-Jung, Koo Bon-Wook, Bang Seung-Uk, Kim Jin-Hee, Hwang Jung-Won, DO Sang-Hwan, Na Hyo-Seok
Intraoperative dexmedetomidine sedation reduces the postoperative agitated behavior in elderly patients undergoing orthopedic surgery compared to the propofol sedation
2017 ;83 (10) :1042 -1050
Han Ji-Won, Oh Ah-Young, Seo Kwang-Suk, Na Hyo-Seok, Koo Bon Wook, Lee Yea Ji
Comparison of intraoperative basal fluid requirements in distal pancreatectomy: Laparotomy vs. laparoscopy: A retrospective cohort study
2017 ;96 (47)
Do S-H, Shin H-J, Kim E-Y, Na H-S, Kim T K, Kim M-H
Magnesium sulphate attenuates acute postoperative pain and increased pain intensity after surgical injury in staged bilateral total knee arthroplasty: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial
2016 ;117 (4) :497 -503
Shin Hyun-Jung, Na Hyo-Seok, Oh Ah-Young, Hwang Jung-Won, Kim Byung-Gun, Park Hee-Pyoung, Jeon Young-Tae, Min Seong-Won, Ryu Jung-Hee
A prospective, randomized and controlled study of interscalene brachial plexus block for arthroscopic shoulder surgery: A comparison of C5 and conventional approach, a CONSORT-compliant article
2016 ;95 (37)
Shin Hyun-Jung, Na Hyo-Seok, Lee Soowon, Lee Gwan-Woo, Do Sang-Hwan
The effect of hyperglycemia on blood coagulation: In vitro, observational healthy-volunteer study using rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM)
2016 ;95 (35)
Koo Bon-Wook, Sim Jun-Bo, Shin Hyun-Jung, Kim Duck-Woo, Kang Sung-Bum, Do Sang-Hwan, Na Hyo-Seok
Surgical site infection after colorectal surgery according to the main anesthetic agent: a retrospective comparison between volatile anesthetics and propofol
Korean J Anesthesiol
2016 ;69 (4) :332 -340
No Hyun-Joung, Koo Bon-Wook, Oh Ah-Young, Seo Kwang-Suk, Na Hyo-Seok, Ryu Jung-Hee, Lee Soo-Won
Retrospective cohort investigation of perioperative upper respiratory events in children undergoing general anesthesia via a supraglottic airway: A comparison of sevoflurane and desflurane
2016 ;95 (28)
Na Hyo-Seok, Oh Ah-Young, Koo Bon-Wook, Lim Dae-Jin, Ryu Jung-Hee, Han Ji-Won
Preventive Analgesic Efficacy of Nefopam in Acute and Chronic Pain After Breast Cancer Surgery: A Prospective, Double-Blind, and Randomized Trial
2016 ;95 (20)
Na Hyo-Seok, Shin Hyun-Jung, Do Sang-Hwan
FIBTEM provides prediction of massive bleeding in total hip replacement arthroplasty
2016 ;27 (3) :340 -346
Na H S, Shin H J, Lee Y J, Kim J H, Koo K H, Do S H
The effect of tranexamic acid on blood coagulation in total hip replacement arthroplasty: rotational thromboelastographic (ROTEM®) analysis
2016 ;71 (1) :67 -75
Shin Hyun-Jung, Na Hyo-Seok, Jeon Young-Tae, Lee Gwan Woo, Do Sang-Hwan
Changes in blood coagulation after colloid administration in patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty: comparison between pentastarch and tetrastarches, a randomized trial
Korean J Anesthesiol
2015 ;68 (4) :364 -372
Shin Hyun-Jung, Kim Byung Gun, Na Hyo-Seok, Oh Ah-Young, Park Hee-Pyoung, Jeon Young-Tae
Estimation of catheter insertion depth during ultrasound-guided subclavian venous catheterization
2015 ;29 (5) :724 -727
Shin H J, Na H S, Do S H
The effects of acute normovolaemic haemodilution on peri-operative coagulation in total hip arthroplasty
2015 ;70 (3) :304 -309
Na Hyo-Seok, Jeon Young-Tae, Shin Hyun-Jung, Oh Ah-Young, Park Hee-Pyoung, Hwang Jung-Won
Effect of Paralysis at the Time of ProSeal Laryngeal Mask Airway Insertion on Pharyngolaryngeal Morbidities. A Randomized Trial
2015 ;10 (8)
Na Hyoseok, 천은희, 도상환, 신현정, 황정원
Effect of magnesium sulfate on the labor duration and neonatal outcome in parturients with preeclampsia
Aensth Pain Med
2014 ;9 (2) :128 -133
Lee H-C, Yun M-J, Hwang J-W, Na H-S, Kim D-H, Park J-Y
Higher operating tables provide better laryngeal views for tracheal intubation
2014 ;112 (4) :749 -755
Na H S, Shin H J, Kang S B, Hwang J W, Do S H
Effects of magnesium sulphate on coagulation after laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery, measured by rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM® )
2014 ;69 (12) :1314 -1321
Na H-S, Song I-A, Hwang J-W, Do S-H, Oh A-Y
Emergence agitation in children undergoing adenotonsillectomy: a comparison of sevoflurane vs. sevoflurane-remifentanil administration
2013 ;57 (1) :100 -105
Park Seong-Joo, Cho Youn-Joung, Oh Ji-Hye, Hwang Jung-Won, Do Sang-Hwan, Na Hyo-Seok
Pretreatment of magnesium sulphate improves intubating conditions of rapid sequence tracheal intubation using alfentanil, propofol, and rocuronium - a randomized trial
Korean J Anesthesiol
2013 ;65 (3) :221 -227
Kim Do-Hun, Yun Mi-Ja, Na Hyo-Seok, Lee Jung-Won, Hong Hyo-Ju
Bilateral subclavian artery stenosis found by inter-arm blood pressure difference during distal pancreatectomy
Korean J Anesthesiol
2013 ;65 (5) :477 -479
Cho Chan Woo, Jeon Young-Tae, Kim Byung Gun, Na Hyo-Seok, Choi Eun Su
Delayed emergence from anesthesia resulting from posterior cerebral artery infarction after Guglielmi detachable coil embolization
Korean J Anesthesiol
2013 ;65 (6 Suppl) :S113 -S114
Hwang J W, Oh A Y, Song I A, Na H S, Ryu J H, Park H P, Jeon Y T, Do S H
Influence of a prolonged lateral position on induction of spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery: a randomized controlled trial
2012 ;78 (6) :646 -652
Na Hyo-Seok, Park Hee-Pyeong, Kim Chong-Sung, Do Sang-Hwan, Zuo Zhiyi, Kim Chong-Soo
17β-Estradiol attenuates the activity of the glutamate transporter type 3 expressed in Xenopus oocytes
2012 ;676 (1-3) :20 -25
Na H S, Hwang J W, Park S H, Oh A Y, Park H P, Jeon Y T, Do S H
Drug-administration sequence of target-controlled propofol and remifentanil influences the onset of rocuronium. A double-blind, randomized trial
2012 ;56 (5) :558 -564
Na H S, Chung Y H, Hwang J W, Do S H
Effects of magnesium sulphate on postoperative coagulation, measured by rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM(®))
2012 ;67 (8) :862 -869
Na Hyo-Seok, Song In-Ae, Park Hong-Sik, Hwang Jung-Won, Do Sang-Hwan, Kim Chong-Soo
Dexmedetomidine is effective for monitored anesthesia care in outpatients undergoing cataract surgery.
Korean J Anesthesiol
2011 ;61 (6) :453 -459
Han Hyun-Seok, Jeon Young-Tae, Na Hyo-Seok, Hwang Jin-Young, Choi Eun-Joo, Kim Mi-Hyun
Successful removal of kinked J-guide wire under fluoroscopic guidance during central venous catheterization -A case report-.
Korean J Anesthesiol
2011 ;60 (5) :362 -364
Jeon Young-Tae, Lim Young-Jin, Na Hyo-Seok, Park Sang-Heon, Oh Ah-Young, Hwang Jung-Won, Han Sung-Hee, Park Hee-Pyoung
A double bending lightwand can provide more successful endotracheal intubation in patients with a short thyromental distance: a prospective randomised study.
2011 ;28 (9) :651 -654
Na Hyo-Seok, An Sang-Bum, Park Hee-Pyoung, Lim Young-Jin, Hwang Jung-Won, Jeon Young-Tae, Min Seong-Won
Intravenous patient-controlled analgesia to manage the postoperative pain in patients undergoing craniotomy.
Korean J Anesthesiol
2011 ;60 (1) :30 -35
Na Hyo-Seok, Shin Soon-Young, Hwang Jin-Young, Jeon Young-Tae, Kim Chong-Soo, Do Sang-Hwan
Effects of intravenous iron combined with low-dose recombinant human erythropoietin on transfusion requirements in iron-deficient patients undergoing bilateral total knee replacement arthroplasty.
2011 ;51 (1) :118 -124
나효석, 길남수, 황정원
The effect of plasma 5-hydroxy indole acetic acid (5-HIAA) concentration and serotonin receptor polymorphism on postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV)
Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2011 ;6 :37 -40
나효석, 도상환, 황진영, 전영태, 노영진, 김종수
I.V. infusion of magnesium sulphate during spinal anaesthesia improves postoperative analgesia.
Br J Anaesth
2010 ;104 (1) :89 -93
나효석, 김진태, 김희수, 김종성, 김성덕
CPAP of 10 cmH2O during cardiopulmonary bypass followed by an alveolar recruitment manoeuvre does not improve post-bypass oxygenation compared to a recruitment manoeuvre alone in children.
Anaesth Intensive Care
2010 ;38 (2) :291 -294
나효석, 강매화 , 유정희, 김진희, 도상환, Zuo Z
Corticosterone decreases the activity of rat glutamate transporter type 3 expressed in Xenopus oocytes.
2010 ;75 (13-14) :1113 -1118
나효석, 황정원, 전영태, 박상헌, 오아영, 김진희, 윤미자, 박희평
Insertion of the ProSeal laryngeal mask airway is more successful with the 90 degrees rotation technique.
2010 ;57 (3) :211 -215
나효석, 이지현, 황진영, 유정희, 한성희, 전영태, 도상환
Effect of magnesium sulphate on intraoperative neuromuscular blocking agent requirement and postoperative analgesia in children with cerebral palsy
Br J Anaesth
2010 ;104 (3) :344 -350
나효석, 김진태, 김희수, 박재현, 김종성, 김성덕
Practical anatomic landmarks for determining the insertion depth of central venous catheter in paediatric patients.
2009 ;102 (6) :820 -823
나효석, 김진태, 배지영, 김현정, 신화용, 김희수, 김종성, 김성덕
Flexion compromises ventilation with the laryngeal tube suction Ⅱ in children
2009 ;19 (2) :153 -158
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