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Song SH, Kim HM, Jung YJ, Kook HR, Jeon S, Bhak J, Kim JH, Lee H, Oh JJ, Lee S, Hong SK, Byun SS.
Germline DNA-Repair Genes and HOXB13 Mutations in Korean Men with Metastatic Prostate Cancer: Data from a Large Korean Cohort.
World J Mens Health
Song SH, Lee J, Ko YH, Kim JW, Jung SI, Kang SH, Park J, Seo HK, Kim HJ, Jeong BC, Kim TH, Choi SY, Nam JK, Ku JY, Joo KJ, Jang WS, Yoon YE, Yun SJ, Hong SH, Oh JJ
TNM-Based Head-to-Head Comparison of Urachal Carcinoma and Urothelial Bladder Cancer : Stage-Matched Analysis of a Large Multicenter National Cohort
Cancer Res Treat
Song SH, Kim E, Jung YJ, Kim HM, Park MS, Kim JK, Lee H, Oh JJ, Lee S, Hong SK, Byun SS.
Polygenic risk score for tumor aggressiveness and early-onset prostate cancer in Asians
Scientific Reports
2023 ;13 (1) :798
Song SH, Kim JH, Lee S, Hong SK, Byun SS, Oh JJ
Total Intracorporeal Versus Open Bladder Cuffing in Robotic Radical Nephroureterectomy for Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma
2023 ;174 :111-117
Kim JK, Song SH, Jung G, Song B, Hong SK
Possibilities and limitations of using low biomass samples for urologic disease and microbiome research
Prostate Int
2022 ;10 (4) :169-180
Hong SK, Song SH, Kim HJ, Lee HS, Nam JH, Lee SB
Temporal changes of PIRADS scoring by radiologists and correlation to radical prostatectomy pathological outcomes
Prostate Int
2022 ;10 (4) :188-193
Song SH, Kim JH, Kim JK, Oh JJ, Lee S, Jeong SJ, Byun SS, Hong SK, Lee H
Clinical benefits of retrograde bladder filling method prior to catheter removal after TURP for BPH: A prospective randomized trial
Investig Clin Urol
2022 ;63 (6) :656-662
Ye C, Ho JN, Kim DH, Song SH, Kim H, Lee H, Jeong SJ, Hong SK, Byun SS, Ahn H, Hwang SI, Lee HJ, Lee S
The Prostate Health Index and multi-parametric MRI improve diagnostic accuracy of detecting prostate cancer in Asian populations
Investig Clin Urol
2022 ;63 (6) :631-638
Song SH, Kim H, Kim JK, Lee H, Oh JJ, Lee SC, Jeong SJ, Hong SK, Lee J, Yoo S, Choo MS, Cho MC, Son H, Jeong H, Suh J, Byun SS
A smart, practical, deep learning-based clinical decision support tool for patients in the prostate-specific antigen gray zone: model development and validation
J Am Med Inform Assoc
2022 ;29 (11) :1949-1957
Song SH, Kim E, Woo E, Kwon E, Yoon S, Kim JK, Lee H, Oh JJ, Lee S, Hong SK, Byun SS
Prediction of clinically significant prostate cancer using polygenic risk models in Asians
Investig Clin Urol
2022 ;63 (1) :42-52
Song SH, Byun SS
Polygenic risk score for genetic evaluation of prostate cancer risk in Asian populations: A narrative review
Investig Clin Urol
2021 ;62 (3) :256-266
Song SH, Kim JK, Lee H, Lee S, Hong SK, Byun SS
A single-center long-term experience of active surveillance for prostate cancer: 15 years of follow-up
Investig Clin Urol
2021 ;62 (1) :32-38
Song SH, Ye CH, Lee S, Hong SK, Byun SS, Lee SE, Oh JJ
Association between lymphovascular invasion and oncologic outcomes among upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma patients who underwent radical nephroureterectomy
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol
2019 ;145 (11) :2863-2870
번호 | 매체명 | 제목 | 발간일 |
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9 | 헬스경향 | 인생의 가을 '남녀 갱년기' 관리백서 | 2023-09-21 |
8 | 중앙일보 | 한국인에 특화된 전립샘암 발병 예측 지표 개발 [건강한 가족] | 2023-07-31 |
7 | 한국일보 | 한국인에 특화된 전립선암 조기 예측 지표 개발됐다 | 2023-07-28 |
6 | 코리아헬스로그 | 분당서울대병원, 한국인에 특화한 전립선암 조기발병 예측 지표 개발 | 2023-07-28 |
5 | 쿠키뉴스 | 심장수술 시급했던 카자흐스탄 아기, 韓 병원서 살렸다 [병원N] | 2023-07-28 |
4 | 농민신문 | 한국인에게 특화된 ‘전립선암’ 조기예측 지표 나왔다 | 2023-07-27 |
3 | 아시아투데이 | 분당서울대병원, 한국인 특화 전립선암 조기발병 예측 지표 개발 | 2023-07-26 |
2 | 이데일리 | 한국인에 특화된 전립선암 조기발병 예측 지표 개발 | 2023-07-26 |
1 | 헤럴드경제 | 한국인에 특화된 전립선암 조기발병 예측 지표 개발 | 2023-07-26 |