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Jooyoung Lee, Arum Choi, Kyunghoon Kim, Joong Hyun Bin, Tae Hoon Eom, Il Han Yoo, Da Hye Yoon, Sukil Kim, Young Hoon Kim
Changes in the Epidemiology and Causative Pathogens of Meningitis in Children After the Outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Multicenter Database Study
Frontiers in Pediatrics
2022 ;14 (10) :810616
Woori Bae, Arum Choi, Kyunghoon Kim, Hyun Mi Kang, Sae Yun Kim, Heayon Lee, Il Han Yoo, Eun Ae Yang, Yoon Hong Chun, Joong Hyun Bin, Jong-Seo Yoon, Sang Haak Lee, Hyun Hee Kim, Sukil Kim, Dae Chul Jeong
One-year changes in the pediatric emergency department caused by prolonged coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic
Pediatrics International
2022 ;64 (1) :e15016
Kyung Suk Lee, Kyunghoon Kim, Young-Jin Choi, Seung Yang, Chang-Ryul Kim, Jin-Hwa Moon, Kyu Rang Kim, Yung-Seop Lee, Jae-Won Oh
Increased sensitization rates to tree pollens in allergic children and adolescents and a change in the pollen season in the metropolitan area of Seoul, Korea
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
2021 ;32 (5) :872-879
Hui jeong Moon, Kyunghoon Kim, Eun Kyeong Kang, Hyeon-Jong Yang, and Eun Lee
Prediction of COVID-19-related Mortality and 30-Day and 60-Day Survival Probabilities Using a Nomogram
Journal of Korean Medical Science
2021 ;36 (35) :e248
Bongjin Lee, Kyunghoon Kim, Hyejin Hwang, You Sun Kim, Eun Hee Chung, Jong-Seo Yoon, Hwa Jin Cho, June Dong Park
Development of a Machine Learning Model for Predicting Pediatric Mortality in the Early Stages of Intensive Care Unit Admission
Scientific Reports
2021 ;11 (1) :1263
Kyunghoon Kim, Hye Jin Lee, Seongkoo Kim, Jae Wook Lee, Jong-Seo Yoon, Nack Gyun Chung, Bin Cho
Lung Function Predicts Outcome in Children With Obstructive Lung Disease After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology
2021 ;43 (1) :e90-e94
Arum Choi, Woori Bae, Kyunghoon Kim, Sukil Kim
Impact of Covid-19 on the Visit of Pediatric Patients with Injuries to the Emergency Department in Korea
2021 ;8 (7) :568
Kyunghoon Kim, Na Jin Kim, Sae Yun Kim
Safety and Efficacy of Early High Parenteral Lipid Supplementation in Preterm Infants: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
2021 ;13 (5) :1535
Eun Lee, In Suk Sol, Jong Deok Kim, Hyeon-Jong Yang, Taek Ki Min, Gwang Cheon Jang, Yoon Ha Hwang, Hyun-Ju Cho, Dong In Suh, Kyunghoon Kim, Hwan Soo Kim, Yoon Hee Kim, Sung Il Woo, Yong Ju Lee, Sungsu Jung & You Hoon Jeon
Long-term macrolide treatment for non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis in children: a meta-analysis
Scientific Reports
2021 ;11 (1) :24287
Hye Jin Lee, Kyunghoon Kim, Seong Koo Kim, Jae Wook Lee, Jong-Seo Yoon, Nack-Gyun Chung, Cho Bin
Hb-adjusted DLCO with GLI reference predicts long-term survival after HSCT in children
Bone Marrow Transplantation
2021 ;56 (8) :1929-1936
Woori Bae, Kyunghoon Kim, Bongjin Lee
Distribution of Pediatric Vital Signs in the Emergency Department: A Nationwide Study
2020 ;7 (8) :89
Kyunghoon Kim, Seongkoo Kim, Jae Wook Lee, Jong-Seo Yoon, Nack Gyun Chung, Bin Cho
Prognostic Factors of ICU Mortality in Pediatric Oncology Patients With Pulmonary Complications
Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology
2020 ;42 (4) :266-270
Beomjoon Kim, Kyunghoon Kim, Jong-Seo Yoon
Nosocomial Acinetobacter Baumannii Infection in Children in Adult Versus Pediatric Intensive Care Units
Pediatrics International
2020 ;62 (4) :451-458
Woori Bae, Kyunghoon Kim, and Jong-Seo Yoon
Mortality of Children Treated in A Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Versus Other Intensive Care Units
Iranian Journal of Pediatrics
2020 ;30 (2) :e97584
Kyou Hyun Yoon, Kyunghoon Kim, Jong-Seo Yoon and Hyun Hee Kim
The diagnostic usefulness and correlation of nasal eosinophil count and percentage in children with rhinitis
Allergy, Asthma & Respiratory Disease
2020 ;8 (1) :15-19
Kyunghoon Kim, Jong-Seo Yoon
Tracheostomy in children: A 9-year experience in a tertiary hospital in Korea
Allergy, Asthma & Respiratory Disease
2019 ;7 (3) :137-141
Kyunghoon Kim, Hye Jin Lee, Eun Ae Yang, Hwan Soo Kim, Yoon Hong Chun, Jong-Seo Yoon, Hyun Hee Kim, Jin Tack Kim
Foreign Body Removal by Flexible Bronchoscopy Using Retrieval Basket in Children
Annals of Thoracic Medicine
2018 ;13 (2) :82-85
Eun Ae Yang, Yu Mi Park, Kyung Hoon Kim, Hye Jin Lee, Hwan Soo Kim, Yoon Hong Chun, Jong-Seo Yoon, Hyun Hee Kim and Jin Tack Kim
The association between nasal eosinophilia and aeroallergen sensitization in children and adolescents with rhinitis
Allergy, Asthma & Respiratory Disease
2018 ;6 (3) :161-167
Hye Jin Lee, Yoon Tae Lee, Kyung Hoon Kim, Eun Ae Yang, Hwan Soo Kim, Yoon Hong Chun, Jong-Seo Yoon, Hyun Hee Kim and Jin Tack Kim
Diagnostic value of serum IgM enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays in polymerase chain reaction-positive Mycoplasma pneumonia in children
Allergy, Asthma & Respiratory Disease
2018 ;6 (5) :248-254
Yu Mi Park, Kyunghoon Kim, Hye Jin Lee, Eu Kyoung Lee, Eun Ae Yang, Hwan Soo Kim, Yoon Hong Chun, Jong-Seo Yoon, Soo Ah Im, Hyun Hee Kim, and Jin Tack Kim
Chest radiographs and computed tomography scans in children with airway foreign body
Allergy, Asthma & Respiratory Disease
2018 ;6 (5) :241-247
번호 | 매체명 | 제목 | 발간일 |
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37 | 조선비즈 | ‘의식 불명’ 태국 공주 감염된 이 세균…韓에서도 3~4년 마다 유행 | 2023-01-09 |
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35 | 헬스경향 | 노약자 파고드는 '칼바람' 막아주세요 | 2022-11-24 |
34 | 메디칼타임즈 | "삶의 질 좌우하는 꽃가루 알레르기…25년 연구 이어가야죠" | 2022-11-21 |
33 | 메디컬월드뉴스 | 2011년 이후 항균제 듣지 않는 마이코플라즈마 폐렴 확산, 무기폐 등 합병증 ... | 2022-10-13 |
32 | 의약뉴스 | 계명대 동산병원, 몽골 의사ㆍ바이어 대상 투어 행사 개최 外 | 2022-10-12 |
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